Project Detail |
The project will support modernizing the Philippine technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system, so that it can respond effectively to an increasingly globalized, technology- and knowledge-driven market. It will improve the quality of skilling programs, upgrade training facilities and equipment, and build the capacity of trainers to impart the higher-level skills and competencies demanded by the job market. The project will help the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), the Philippine TVET agency, to undertake institutional reforms and forge stronger engagement between public TVET institutions and industry, thereby enhancing the employability of Filipino youth and workers._It will also support the governments National Employment Recovery Strategy (NERS) to help the economy bounce back from the adverse effects of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Project Name Supporting Innovation in the Philippine Technical and Vocational Education and Training System Project Project Number 54332-001 Country / Economy Philippines Project Status Approved Project Type / Modality of Assistance Loan Source of Funding / Amount Loan 4268-PHI: Supporting Innovation in Philippine Technical and Vocational Education Training System Ordinary capital resources US$ 100.00 million Strategic Agendas Environmentally sustainable growth Inclusive economic growth Drivers of Change Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Governance and capacity development Sector / Subsector Education / Technical and vocational education and training Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Gender equity Description The project will support modernizing the Philippine technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system, so that it can respond effectively to an increasingly globalized, technology- and knowledge-driven market. It will improve the quality of skilling programs, upgrade training facilities and equipment, and build the capacity of trainers to impart the higher-level skills and competencies demanded by the job market. The project will help the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), the Philippine TVET agency, to undertake institutional reforms and forge stronger engagement between public TVET institutions and industry, thereby enhancing the employability of Filipino youth and workers._It will also support the governments National Employment Recovery Strategy (NERS) to help the economy bounce back from the adverse effects of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy The project is aligned with the following impacts: global competitiveness and readiness of the Filipino mid-level workforce strengthened, and TVET used more effectively as an instrument for social equity for workforce inclusion and poverty reduction._The project will have the following outcome: access to quality TVET programs and employability of TVET graduates improved._The project will achieve this outcome by supporting the following outputs. Output 1: The Philippines skills development ecosystem modernized. The project will support TESDA in strengthening the Philippines skills ecosystem by (i) designing new training programs demanded by industry at higher national certificate levels (levels III, IV, and V or diploma level);_(ii) updating selected TESDA Online Program courses and providing new courses on 4IR skills, including industry application of the internet of things; data analytics and artificial intelligence for predictive and preventive operation and maintenance; application of sensor technologies; critical thinking; and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; (iii) incorporating behavioral change communication and community education campaigns to address potential gender stereotypes in the design and delivery of training programs; and (iv) reskilling and upskilling of TESDA trainers and assessors._TESDA will first roll out these initiatives in the 17 selected TTIs supported under output 3 and their regional TVET innovation centers (RTICs). It can then refine and scale up the programs across other TTIs and raise standards across the Philippine skills ecosystem. Output 2: Technical and vocational education and training made more demand-driven and industry-led. The project will support TESDA in forging partnerships between the 17 TTIs upgraded under output 3 and industry associations, local government units, education institutions, and nongovernment organizations active in training, curriculum development, and livelihood development. The upgraded TTIs and their RTICs, newly established under the project, will support enterprise-based training in relevant trades, based on the regional economic context and profile of local enterprises. The TTIs institutional development plans will focus on results and include indicators for industry engagement, higher graduate employment rates, gender equality, and social inclusion. Output 3: Selected technology institutions upgraded and modernized into industry-responsive innovation centers. The project will upgrade and modernize 17 TTIs (one in each region of the Philippines) selected based on demand- and supply-side considerations._Students enrolled in these TTIs will benefit from improved training facilities and equipment, in addition to stronger industry engagement provided under output 2. The project will also establish new RTICs within the premises of these 17 TTIs. The RTICs will offer higher national certificate level courses, diploma, and joint programs with industry in emerging technologies; and support applied research and development and business incubation._The 17 upgraded TTIs and their RTICs will focus on the economic needs of the respective province and priority sectors listed in the National Technical Education and Skills Development Plan, 20182022._They will introduce new programs, so that trainees can fully tap existing technologies and gain 4IR skills demanded by industry (output 1). Different operating models to ensure long-term institutional and financial sustainability and cost-sharing with industry will be pilot-tested. Climate-smart, gender-responsive, and accessible designs will be followed while upgrading the 17 TTIs and constructing the RTICs. Output 4: Technical Education and Skills Development Authoritys institutional capacity strengthened. The project will help (i) strengthen TESDAs financial management, procurement, gender, and safeguards systems; and undertake required organizational reforms; (ii) improve TESDAs monitoring and evaluation system, including collecting and analyzing sex-disaggregated data to inform policy and decision-making; and (iii) operationalize key reforms to strengthen industry and training linkages, agreed by TESDA and the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other industry bodies._In addition to helping TESDA run its own TTIs more effectively, the project will allow TESDA to showcase good examples of RTICs that provide training focusing on digital and 4IR skills. Impact Global competitiveness and readiness of the Filipino mid-level workforce strengthened, and TVET used more effectively as an instrument for social equity for workforce inclusion and poverty reduction |