Project Detail |
The knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will support research on smart ports and how smart systems used in ports can increase port efficiency, economic resilience and support regional trade, and demonstrate value addition of contextually relevant smart system adoption with pilot cases in the Asia Pacific region. Project Name Digital Solutions For Optimizing Port Efficiency In Developing Countries Project Number 55296-001 Country / Economy Regional Indonesia Viet Nam Project Status Active Project Type / Modality of Assistance Technical Assistance Source of Funding / Amount TA 10050-REG: DIGITAL SOLUTIONS FOR OPTIMIZING PORT EFFICIENCY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES High Level Technology Fund US$ 500,000.00 Strategic Agendas Environmentally sustainable growth Inclusive economic growth Regional integration Drivers of Change Knowledge solutions Partnerships Sector / Subsector Industry and trade / Small and medium enterprise development Information and communication technology / ICT industries and ICT-enabled services Transport / Water transport (non-urban) Gender Equity and Mainstreaming No gender elements Description The knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will support research on smart ports and how smart systems used in ports can increase port efficiency, economic resilience and support regional trade, and demonstrate value addition of contextually relevant smart system adoption with pilot cases in the Asia Pacific region. Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy The TA will focus on the good practices in smart port development from early adopters and practice leaders in Asia and Europe, and identify how smart systems can be instrumental in addressing operational and logistics challenges faced by gateway ports in Asia during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis (COVID-19) and thereafter. During TA implementation technical collaborations will be sought with domain experts, practitioners, and leading research institutions in Japan, and regional maritime hub countries such as Singapore and Korea (Busan). Findings and stylized facts derived from this research will be used to generate policy recommendations for ADBs members. The TA has been included in the Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department (ERCD) research priorities during 2021, as part of ADBs drive to help its members manage the significant adverse impact of COVID-19. Impact Sustainable and resilient growth in DMCs enhanced. |