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Yemen Project Notice - AF Yemen Food Security Response And Resilience Project

Project Notice

PNR 48879
Project Name AF Yemen Food Security Response and Resilience Project
Project Detail The development objective of Additional Finance for Yemen Food Security Response and Resilience Project (FSRRP) for Yemen, Republic of is to improve the availability of and access to food and nutritious diets, both in the short and medium term, for targeted households in the project area, and to enhance Yemens capacity to respond to food insecurity. This project has five components. 1) The first component, Improving agricultural production infrastructure and building climate resilience aims to improve smallholder farm households’ resilience to food insecurity and climate shocks, and to improve household-level food production, the AF will scale up the FSRRP’s activities that focus on improving climate resilient agricultural production infrastructure, with increasing emphasis on water infrastructure. 2) The second component, Increasing domestic food production and market development, has the following sub-components: (i) Restoring climate-smart agricultural production; and (ii) Restoring food supply chains and value addition. 3) The third component, Improving the nutritional status and incomes of vulnerable households, aims to provide immediate support to vulnerable smallholder farm households through the provision of horticulture production kits and feed for livestock. 4) The fourth component, Capacity building for food security management, aims to builds on the approach of Smallholder Agricultural Production Restoration and Enhancement Project (SAPREP) and the FSRRP that combines physical investments with capacity-building. 5) The fifth component, Project Management, aims to cover the additional costs associated with project management, including financial management (including audits), procurement, environmental and social (E&S) aspects, communication and stakeholder engagement, third-party monitoring, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). The Project Development Objective is to improve the availability of and access to food and nutritious diets, both in the short and m edium term, for targeted households in the Project Area, and to enhance Yemens capacity to respond to food insecurity. Key Details Project Details Project ID P178439 Status Active Team Leader Artavazd Hakobyan,Eva Hasiner Borrower 2 Food and Agriculture Organization, World Food Programme, United Nations Development Programme, International Committee of the Red Cross Country Yemen, Republic of Approval Date (as of board presentation) December 1, 2022 Total Project Cost 1 US$ 150.00 million Implementing Agency Food and Agriculture Organization, World Food Programme, United Nations Development Programme, International Committee of the Red Cross Region Middle East and North Africa Fiscal Year 3 2023 Commitment Amount US$ 150.00 million Environmental and Social Risk N/A Last Update Date November 16, 2022 Closing Date N/A Last Stage Reached Bank Approved Associated Projects P176129
Funded By United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Sector Administration & Marketing
Country Yemen , Asia
Project Value YER 150,000,000

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Company Name Food and Agriculture Organization, World Food Programme
Web Site

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