Project Detail |
The project concerns a new, decarbonised, sustainable land-based salmon farming facility based in Säffle, Sweden with circularity and upcycling integrated into the facility at the outset. The farm will apply a number of circular/sustainable features including a Zero Discharge Concept utilising a Recirculation Aqualculture System; a biogas plant to turn waste into energy; local re-use of off-cuts from harvest plant; on-site renewable power generation. The new farm will eventually supply 10,000mt/annum representing 17.5% of Swedens total salmon consumption. Objectives The project funds the construction of the Swedens first land-based salmon farm, which will cover the entire farming process from salmon egg to adult harvest weight. The production plant is able to produce 10,000 metric tonnes of salmon per year and includes state-of-the-art slaughtering, processing and packaging units to provide qualitative, ready-to-sell salmon products in strategic proximity of distributors. Further, the project implements a series of technological innovations, such as the Zero Water Concept technology of Recirculated Aquaculture System (ZWC RAS) combined with a Zero Discharge Concept (ZDC). As such, the plant incorporates multiple sustainability and circular economy innovations aiming at i) reducing the water consumption through recycling and reusing wastewater, ii) reducing the carbon footprint from distribution, processing and feed, and iii) creating zero waste by selling production fall-off and maximising production outputs like sludge, for production of by-products. The project also aims to obtain optimal fish health and welfare through certified feed of sustainable origin, no use of antibiotics or vaccines, and minimisation of fish mortality. At full-scale production, the plant will have the capacity to provide 17.5% of Swedens salmon consumption and support the Promoters objective of to providing quality, sustainable and locally produced salmon to the Swedish market. The project will generate spillover effects towards the local and regional economy in Sweden by creating new jobs and knowledge throughout the value chain of the in-land aquaculture sector. |