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Project Notice

PNR 46569
Project Detail Overall goal The Project Development Objective is i) to increase access to safely managed water supply and sanitation services in selected rural areas and small towns, and to strengthen national and local institutional capacity for water supply and sanitation service delivery; and (ii) in case of an eligible crisis or emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it. Expected results 1: Increasing access to safely managed water supply and sanitation services in selected rural areas and small towns. 2: Strengthening institutional capacity at national and local levels for water supply and sanitation (WSS) service delivery Target group / Beneficiaries The project is expected to directly benefit around 66,500 people through gaining access to safely managed drinking water and/or safely managed sanitation services within their households. An estimated 30,000 beneficiaries will gain access to a safely managed drinking water service in the dwelling. These beneficiaries are either connected to an unsafe service and will benefit from increased reliability and water quality compliant with norms, or depend on collecting water from drought-vulnerable, shallow, and polluted wells and will gain first time access to a centralized network. An estimated 36,500 beneficiaries will gain access to a safely managed sanitation services, of which 35,000 to centralized wastewater collection and treatment systems and 1,500 through on-site household-level sanitation facilities through the pilot program. Beneficiaries in small towns will gain first-time access to a centralized wastewater system with adequate treatment or, if already connected to a sewer system, will gain adequate wastewater treatment. A pilot rural sanitation program will benefit 1,500 people gaining first-time access to a flush toilet with adequate on-site sanitation facility aligned with national norms. Students and staff of around 100 schools (around 25,000 people) will benefit from improved Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities during their school/working hours and staff and patients of 25 rural health care facilities will benefit from improved WASH facilities. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development (MIRD), as the project implementing entity, is responsible for ensuring that the project is implemented efficiently, consistent with the project objectives and agreements signed. MIRD will be supported in day-to-day project management through the public institution Moldova Social Investment Fund (MSIF), founded under MIRD, acting as the project implementation unit.
Funded By Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Sector Engineering
Country Moldova , Eastern Europe
Project Value MDL 1,750,000

Contact Information

Company Name The Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development (MIRD)
Address Austrian Development Agency Zelinkagasse 2 1010 Vienna Tel: +43 1 90399 - 0 Email:
Web Site

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