Project Detail |
The project aims to provide immediate relief, recovery and resilience building measures for the most vulnerable in resettlement camp communities in the areas of food security/nutrition, psychological first aid and psychosocial support, and disability inclusive community development and create conditions in which persons with disabilities (especially girls and women with disabilities) benefit from humanitarian assistance on an equal footing with other persons of concern. (Contribution to SDG 2, 2, 5,10 and GAP III: ‘Ensure freedom from all forms of gender-based violence & strengthening economic and social rights and empowering girls and women - Promoting universal access to health’) Expected results 1.1: Vulnerable households can grow their own food and restore their livelihoods and capacity to produce. 1.2: The availability and access to highly nutritious food averts emergency rates of acute malnutrition especially for children under 5 in the resettlement camps in Chiúre and Metuge districts. 2.1: Individual psychosocial support is given to strengthen the resilience of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and help them cope with the emotional stress induced by the conflict. 2.2: Nurturing environments are created for women that provide the conditions for addressing harmful behaviours and norms, especially sexual and gender-based violence (SGVB). 3.1: The specific health, education and social protection needs of girls, boys, women and men with disabilities are being catered for. 3.2: Through the strengthening of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and Organisations of Persons with Disabilities at community/camp level, persons with disabilities have increased capacity to locally lobby for their concerns with community leaders, government and humanitarian actors in the project region. 4.1: The existing Disability Working Group (DWG) at cluster level is a valuable contributor to the wider disability movement in Cabo Delgado province on strengthening disability inclusion in humanitarian action. 4.2: A greater focus on disability inclusion components across all humanitarian action programmes managed by humanitarian as well as government actors in the project region. |