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Various Countries Project Notice - CRAFT - Catalytic Capital For First Private Investment Fund For Adaptation Technologies In Developing Countries

Project Notice

PNR 46474
Project Name CRAFT - Catalytic Capital for First Private Investment Fund for Adaptation Technologies in Developing Countries
Project Detail GCF’s commitment of USD 100 million in catalytic capital to CRAFT will allow the programme to scale up adaptation finance and accelerate development, application and transfer of private sector technologies in climate adaptation and resilience, particularly in the context of promoting green recovery from COVID-19. Implemented with Pegasus Capital Advisors, the programme supports investment in six technologies (agricultural analytics, water harvesting and irrigation, food systems, geospatial mapping and imaging, catastrophe risk modeling, supply chain analytics) in six countries in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Funded By Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Country Various Countries , Southern Asia
Project Value AL 400,000,000

Contact Information

Company Name African Development Bank
Address Mr. Craig Myles Cogut Founder, Chairman & CEO 750 East Main Street, Suite 600 Stamford, Stamford, United States
Web Site

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