Project Detail |
Faced with an import of 2 billion euros per year of edible oils, the general objective of the OliveCulture project, with a holistic approach, aims to supply the Pakistani state and suitable provinces (including the areas bordering the Afghanistan) a contribution aimed at the same time to food and nutritional security, to environmental resilience, to cultural enhancement and, above all, to the constant generation of main or complementary income. The specific objective is to provide rural communities and institutional, public and private actors of Balochistan, Khyber Pakhunkhwa, (including the new united districts, formerly FATA), Pumjab, Gilgit Baltisan a sustainable mechanism to strengthen the Pakistani olive value chain and its entire spectrum of professions to ensure continuity in income generation. The project is aimed at improving the socio-economic conditions of rural families and small farmers and capitalizes, with a specific systematization, all the previous Italian initiatives in the sector. The actions concern: i) the creation of a baseline on the agronomic, environmental, cultural and social heritage of the olive tree aimed at providing a matrix at federal and provincial level ii) the institutionalization of the Pakistan Olive Oil Council for the implementation of strategic tools and plans for a national olive oil legislative framework integrated that includes brands and certifications iii) support for an integrated scientific characterization of the olive sector and training on good agronomic practices along the entire supply chain, including the processing industry, from field to table and on the food and tourism industries at different levels iv ) increase the capacity of Pakistani young people and women in terms of economic enhancement diversification of products and by-products of the production process v) enhancement of pre-existing cultural, health, nutritional and environmental aspects thus inserted into a cultural value chain through the promotion of olive growing. The project aims to launch places linked to the culture of the olive tree in which many activities will be concentrated including training, nurseries, oil mills, by-products. The project includes actions of institutional support, capacity building, awareness raising and training for public and private stakeholders and scientific and technological updates for production and income generation activities, thus strengthening the quality of production, assistance for branding and marketing and other communication of sector. |