Project Detail |
Needs & benefits The Tulalip Tribes are planning improvements to the SR 528/4th Street Northeast/Marine Drive and 88th Street Northeast interchanges on I-5 within the reservation boundaries. These interchanges are two of only three access points to the reservation from I-5, so they are important to the Tribes. Goods, services, higher education, healthcare, jobs, and economic development depend on safe, efficient access to and from the reservation. Several years ago, the Tulalip Tribes completed major improvements at the I-5/116th Street Northeast interchange. The SR 528/4th Street Northeast/Marine Drive and 88th Street Northeast interchanges will be improved next. Both interchanges experience frequent congestion for all users including private and commercial vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists and transit. Often, I-5 traffic exiting to the reservation of the city of Marysville experience off-ramp backups that extend onto I-5. Local street configurations and disruptions from passing trains can add to this congestion. Improvements to these interchanges will support the economic vitality of the Tulalip Tribes and benefit the city of Marysville and Snohomish County by reducing congestion and improving mobility. Timeline 2019-2021: Alternative screening 2020-2021: Alternative selection 2020-2022: Preliminary design work 2022: Contractor selection 2023-2024: Construction Funding WSDOT provided $50 million to the Tulalip Tribes for the improvements at the three interchanges, fulfilling a commitment to the Tribes during construction of I-5 in the early 1970s. The Tribes used $15 million for 116th Street Northeast improvements. The Tribes intend to use the balance on this project. |