Project Detail |
Phases 3 and 4 of these Eastside Corridor improvement projects will begin design in 2020, with construction scheduled to be complete in 2027. This project enhances safety and mobility on SR 28 in East Wenatchee from 9th Street N.E. to Hadley Street with intersection improvements and widening the existing roadway to accommodate five lanes including median turn lanes in places. Stage 1 of this project constructed an extension of Eastmont Avenue to the SR 28/ US 2/97 intersection at the east end of the Odabashian Bridge. Needs & Benefits The Eastside Corridor project will enhance safety and mobility on the Sunset Highway corridor (SR 28), in the East Wenatchee urban area from 9th Street to the Odabashian Bridge. Nearly 15,000 vehicles travel on this stretch of road every day, and as the area continues to grow, conflicts between north-south traffic traveling on SR 28 and traffic crossing or turning off and on the highway are increasing. Currently, the corridor is not ideal for multimodal options such as bicycling or transit. Additional lanes and access controls such as concrete barricades in the median will address both collisions and traffic back ups through this heavily travelled section of highway. The End Result Reduced traffic congestion, Improved safety, Enhanced environmental quality, Improved liveability for neighborhoods within the corridor, Support for the local and state economy, Accomodation of planned regional growth. Project Timeline Design is underway and will continue through 2024. During this time, the design team will work with residents, the business community, and other stakeholders to develop a final design. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2024 and continue through 2026. |