Project Detail |
Overall goal The Afro-Asiatic Institute Graz (AAI) makes an active contribution to a dialogue between people of different religions and cultures in Styria. With its educational and cultural program, the AAI Graz pursues the goal of sensitizing the various target groups for relevant topics in the long term and thus creating a differentiated, emotional and individual approach. Current issues are addressed from the perspective of human rights and the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (including SDG 4, 5, 7, 8, 11-16). Expected results The results are assigned to the areas of event management - educational and cultural program (1), imparting of skills (2) and meeting center (3). A total of around 5,400 visitors are expected; 400 participants in workshops; approx. 25 participating artists and lecturers are involved. • AAI as a meeting place, • around 75 events, workshops and exhibitions, • annual cooperation with 30 institutions and 9 cooperation events, • 24 events in Café Global, • Involvement and support of around 50 residents and 20 speakers • Accompanying public relations work (homepage, social media, media work, approx. 30 newsletters, 18 press releases) • Expansion of the online offer: development of a content strategy, redesign of the homepage, establishment and use of a podcast platform and use of digital event formats; associated target group change / expansion. Target group / beneficiaries The AAI primarily addresses those interested in development policy and intercultural issues as well as people with a migration background and students in Styria. The offer is particularly popular with young adults, adolescents and people from the university environment (the rooms are barrier-free). The AAI Graz maintains a number of cooperations, including the AAI works with Styrian universities, associations and non-profit organizations as well as educational and cultural institutions. Regional orientation: Graz and the Styria area Activities The numerous activities (readings, lectures, dialogue rounds, workshops, exhibitions, concerts, film screenings) give visitors new insights into the diversity of living conditions and situations. Furthermore, by means of discourse formats (series “Think Global, Act local”), a pool of speakers and student_line (implementation of student initiatives), current social and environmental issues are responded to and publicity campaigns are carried out on international occasions. The sustainability aspect of our consumption and production patterns and the social problems they contain are pointed out |