Project Detail |
Overall goal The Overall objective is to reduce poverty through increased labour market participation and improved employability of the Population. The specific objective is to strengthen the quality and relevance of education and training programmes for the labour market and to support the adaptation of the legislative framework and mechanisms as a precondition for increased employability. Expected results ER 1: Study programmes in public HE institutions serve as a competence hub for the industry and VET. ER 2: Professional qualifications and occupational standards meet NQA criteria for validation. ER 3: VET schools and VTCs offer qualitative programmes based on the Labour Market Needs. ER 4: Education and training system related governance procedures support the alignment of education and training with labour market needs. ER 5: The link between the VET and the business sector is more structured. Target group / Beneficiaries Direct beneficiaries: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (MLSW), public universities, Municipal Education Departments (MED), VET schools, Vocational Training Centres (VTC), Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), National Qualifications Authority (NQA). Indirect beneficiaries: HE and VET students, job seekers, private sector, adult learners, including diverse women and men. Activities Activities of ER 1 include Curricula development, diploma supplement and faculty management are enhanced, labour market-relevant and lead to increased employability; ER 2 encompasses Quality assurance activitities and occupational Standard development, Elaboration at policy Level and linking Progression pathways between HE and VET; ER3 ensures to offer qualitative Programmes based on labour market Needs, including Training of teachers, sustainable Quality assurance mechanisms and Provision of Equipment; ER4 Supports structuring related goverance procedures including the policy Level; ER 5 identifies and pilotes incentives for the stronger cooperation between the private sector and education institutions. |