Project Detail |
The 3rd Indicative Cooperation Program retained as sectors of concentration in Burkina Faso: sustainable management of natural resources; education, technical education and vocational training; and new information and communication technologies. In this context, the continuation of support from BKF / 018 is planned through the new BKF / 026 “Support for the implementation of the sectoral policy for technical and vocational education and training (APOSE / TVET). »BKF / 026 is a contribution to joint support from Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland, Monaco and France through the French Development Agency, for the implementation of TVET policy. These technical and financial partners (PTF) entrusted the lead in formulating the support to LuxDev. Prior to formulation, the capacity assessment of the main entities in charge of implementing the national TVET policy (PN) was carried out. At the end of 2017, the Burkinabè government drew up a triennial action plan 2018-2020 for the PN / TVET. It is structured around three programs aimed at improving access to TVET (program 1), improving its quality (program 2) and strengthening its management (program 3). BKF / 026 will consist of support for the most relevant actions of the three programs of this three-year rolling action plan, and which are able to contribute to the achievement of the specific objectives set out therein. The technical and financial support document was prepared and validated by the stakeholders. After examination of the document by the MAEE, the execution mandate was issued to LuxDev in August 2019. The main orientations of the support relate to: the carrying out of qualifying and certifying training actions with high employability and rather of short duration; support for the functional and territorial decentralization of vocational training; and developing partnerships with the private sector. In terms of implementation modality, a national execution is envisaged through the Ministry of Youth and the Promotion of Youth Entrepreneurship (MJPEJ) and the instrument retained is the special allocation account of the treasury ( CAST). This CAST account will feed accounts opened for the MJPEJ and the Vocational Training and Apprenticeship Support Fund (FAFPA). The resources will be made available to other actors (consular chambers and employers) via the FAFPA through agreements. The various pilot actors will benefit from significant support in terms of capacity building and will be supported through a substantial technical assistance system. The technical assistance system, pearl expertise, financial supervision, audits and evaluations will be managed by LuxDev on behalf of the TFPs. Support is scheduled to start in the fourth quarter of 2019. |