Project Detail |
The project consists of the acquisition of around 20 new rolling stock (electric passenger vehicles) and associated equipment for a public service contract to operate the rail passenger services on lines between Ulm and Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt and Regensburg, and Neumarkt to Passau. The total traffic volume is estimated at 5.7m train km in the initial phase from 2022 to 2024 and will increase to 7.2m train km for the years 2025 to 2036. The new vehicles will deliver the additional traffic volume from 2025 onwards. Objectives The project is expected to increase public transport demand and reduce traffic congestion. It will generate time and vehicle operating cost savings and reduce emissions of noise, local pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. The project supports the shift of traffic to more sustainable transport modes and reduces related negative transport externalities. Sector(s) Transport - Transportation and storage Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount) EUR 85 million Total cost (Approximate amount) EUR 180 million |