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France Project Notice - EIB-CDC PLATFORM - CLEAN BUSES

Project Notice

PNR 43798
Project Detail The project consists in financing an Investment Platform for the renewal of zero-emission bus fleets promoted and co-financed by the French National Promotional Institution (NPBI) Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC). The Platforms main goal is to support French public authorities and accelerate their transition from existing conventional bus fleets (internal combustion engine, mainly diesel) to zero emission or ultra-low emissions busses, starting with those in urban areas. The Platform will provide loans to French public authorities with a remuneration system based upon the energy savings derived from the use of electric buses. The project is part of a second wave of operations included in the Cleaner Transport Facility (CTF), a joint initiative by the European Commission and the EIB launched in December 2016. The CTF aims at accelerating the deployment of the Alternative Fuels Directive to step up the pace towards low emissions mobility. Objectives The main goal of the project is to accelerate the transition towards low emission public transport in accordance to EU Critical Dilution Volume (CDV) regulation and the French Energy Transition Act (loi relative à la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte - LTCEV). The project is expected to generate a substantial level of environmental benefits in terms of reduced air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and noise, in particular in urban areas. Sector(s) Transport - Transportation and storage Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount) EUR 100 million Total cost (Approximate amount) EUR 200 million
Funded By European Investment Bank (EIB)
Sector Entertainment
Country France , Western Europe
Project Value EUR 200,000,000

Contact Information

Address 56, Rue de Lille 75356 PARIS 07 SP Department of pensions and solidarity 2, avenue Pierre Mendès France 75013 Paris Tel. : 01 58 50 00 00
Web Site

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