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Burundi Project Notice - Burundi - Agriculture And Livestock Value Chains Sustainable Development Support Project (PADCAE-B)

Project Notice

PNR 43726
Project Name Burundi - Agriculture and Livestock Value Chains Sustainable Development Support Project (PADCAE-B)
Project Detail The Agriculture and Livestock Value Chains Development Support Project in Burundi (PADCAE-B) is in line with the PND (2018- 2027) which aims to promote intensive and modernised agriculture to ensure food security and foster market agriculture. The project is in line with the ADF-15 operational and strategic priorities which aim to create a conducive environment for inclusive and sustainable transformation, decent jobs and stronger resilience. It will be implemented in Gitega, Kirundo and Muyinga Provinces in northern Burundi, with a total population estimated at 2,956,784 people (24% of the national population), a land area of 1,671 ha (or 18% of the national total) and a population density of 553 inhab/km². Project interventions will focus on a limited number of value chains (rice, maize, goats, pigs and fish) identified by beneficiaries, articulated around 4 components: (i) land development, integrated land management, land restoration and security; (ii) development of climate-resilient agriculture and support for nutrition (iii) institutional, capacity building and agricultural entrepreneurship support; and (iv) project management and coordination. PADCAE-B will be implemented over a period of 5 years (2020-2025) for a total cost of UA 16.39 million. When implemented, the project will help to fight food and nutrition insecurity, promote youth employment and gender, boost agricultural output through resilient and sustainable agriculture, encourage the structuring, organization and capacity and building of cooperatives, private sector stakeholders and operational State structures, and improve land management. Project Objectives The sector objective is to help to sustainably strengthen food and nutrition security and build the resilience of the rural populations of Ngozi, Kirundo and Muyinga Provinces. The specific objectives are: (i) land development, integrated land management, land restoration and security, (ii) development of climate-resilient agriculture and livestock value chains and support to nutrition and (iii) institutional, capacity building and agricultural entrepreneurship support.
Funded By African Development Bank (AfDB)
Sector Administration & Marketing
Country Burundi , Eastern Africa
Project Value BIF 15,000,000

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