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Sudan Project Notice - The Capacity Building Project For Promotion Of Rice Production

Project Notice

PNR 42735
Project Name The Capacity Building Project for Promotion of Rice Production
Project Detail Project Background The agriculture sector of the Republic of the Sudan is key sector for economy, livelihood, poverty reduction and food security. However, the agricultural production, comprising around 30% of the Gross Domestic Production and employing about 65% of the labor force, has been stagnant, particularly in major crops such as sorghum, wheat, cotton, etc. To tackle this situation, the GOS formulated Executive Program for Agricultural Revival (EPAR) in 2008, to promote agricultural exports, eradicate poverty, and attain food security. EPAR was extended after the end of its original term from 2008 to 2011, and Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MoAI)[1] itself formed its own Five-Year Plan 2012-2016 to play its roles to achieve the overall national goals. MoAI also started the National Rice Project (NRP) in 2005 to promote the production of rice, which also lags behind the growing domestic demand, by formulating rice development plans, introducing rice cultivation to suitable areas, and facilitating marketing and sales. In view that capacity development for action planning, implementation, and monitoring is the key to the success of EPAR and NRP, JICA had extended the support through implementation of technical cooperation project Capacity Building Project for the Implementation of EPAR from 2010 to 2016. This Project aimed to strengthen the human and organizational capacity of MoAI/MoAF and the organizations concerned to materialize EPAR and to enhance the planning, implementation, monitoring & evaluation for promotion of rice production. In the light of successful implementation of the above Project, the GOS requested to the GOJ on implementation of Capacity Building Project for Promotion of Rice Production for continuous cooperation and support. GOJ accepted the request and entrusted JICA to implement the Project. In response to that, JICA conducted the Detailed Planning Survey on the Project for confirming the Project components, necessary arrangements by GOS and JICA, and so forth. Project Period January 2018-January 2023 (5 years) Implementation Organizations MOAF (Ministry of Agriculture and Forest), ARC(Agricultural Research Corporation) HQ, SMoA (State Ministry of Agriculture)/Gezira Project Site Khartoum, Gezira Overall Goal The rice production is promoted in 6 States (Gezira, Sennar, Gedaref, White Nile, River Nile and Northern) Project Purpose The institutional and technical capacity of Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forests(MoAF), Agricultural Research Corporation headquarters(ARC HQ), and Center of Excellence located in Gezira State (CoE)* for the implementation of rice promotion is improved. (*)CoE stands for SMoA/Gezira which serves for the purpose of rice promotion in 6States. Outputs Output 1: The coordination system of stakeholders in rice production at Federal level is established. Output 2: Foundation Seed (FS) and Registered Seed (RS) are produced at ARC HQ. Output 3: Certified Seed(CS) supply system is established for ordinary farmers in CoE. Output 4: The issues of rice marketing are identified based on trial sales of milled local rice in Gezira State. Output 5: The production of CS is strarted in 5 States (Sennar, Gedaref, white Nile, River Nile and Northern.*)
Funded By Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Sector Administration & Marketing
Country Sudan , Northern Africa
Project Value Plz Refer Document

Contact Information

Company Name MOAF (Ministry of Agriculture and Forest), ARC(Agricultural Research Corporation) HQ, SMoA (State Ministry of Agriculture)/Gezira
Address 5th Floor, Building No.20, Block No.10, Africa Street, Al-Emtidad, East Khartoum, Sudan Mailing Address: P.O. Box 394, Post Code 11111, Khartoum, Sudan Tel : +249 (0)183 566 987/ +249 (0)155 181 075 Fax : +249 (0)183 566 896
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