Project Detail |
Project Development Objective PDO Statement 55. The Project Development Objectives are to improve: (a) the movement of people and goods and digital connectivity and access to social services to communities at designated locations along the targeted sections of the Isiolo-Mandera Regional Road Corridor; and (b) the capacity of selected transport related institutions in Kenya. The Program Objective 56. The overarching objective of the HoA Program, which the proposed project will contribute to, is “enhancing connectivity among the HoA countries and access to seaports; facilitation of domestic and regional trade and economic integration, and road safety”. This will be achieved through a sequential improvement in physical and institutional infrastructure and promoting trade and investing in development facilitation interventions. The overall program will be implemented in a Series of Projects (SoPs). The first project of the program (Phase 1- Kenya) focuses on Kenya which is the gateway to HoA for east, south and central Africa. The follow-on Phases will focus on the improvement of adjoining economic corridors, trade facilitation, digital connectivity, human development, and promoting resilience in Somalia and Ethiopia. PDO Level Indicators 57. The expected results indicators include: (a) Average Travel time between Isiolo to Modogashe; and Wajir to Elwak, disaggregated by passengers and freight; (b) Number of public transport service providers along Isiolo-Modogashe and Wajir-Elwak; (c) Number of road crash fatalities between Isiolo-Mandera road section (per 1,000 vehicles) (d) Average processing time at border crossing for freight trucks and passenger vehicles. (e) Number of online public services used by communities along the corridor per month; (f) Number of women and children utilizing the improved social services (Social/Gender disaggregated) (g) Road Management Information System utilized for decision making and setting performance targets; and (h) Number of non-Kenyans trained in new skills in Kenyan institutions. Program Level Indicators 58. Expected outcomes of the overall program would capture the combined outcomes of the participating countries in the entire program area. Thus, the indicators will be the same but with more scope and higher targets in absolute terms. B. Project Components 59. The proposed project will comprise the following components and sub-components, with details in Annex 2: 60. Component A: Improving Movement of People, Goods, and Digital Connectivity (Cost estimate US$666.64 million, IDA allocation, US$553.20 million equivalent). Component B: Facilitation of Regional Trade and Transport (US$53.82 million, IDA allocation US$46.10 million equivalent). Component C: Improving Access to Selected Basic Social Services at Designated Locations along Isiolo-Mandera Regional Road Corridor by KeNHA (Cost estimate US$36.98 million, IDA allocation US$31.88 million equivalent). Component D: Institutional Strengthening of Selected Transport and Related Institutions (US$138.61 million, IDA allocation US$118.82 million equivalent). Component E: Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) (US$0, IDA allocation US$0) |