Project Detail |
Proposed Development Objective(s) The Program Development Objective (PDO) of CSIDP 2 is to support the consolidation of basic fiscal management and social inclusion. Key Results The expected results are: A reduction in use of exceptional spending procedures • An increase in the number of published annual debt reports • An increase in the actual presence rate of civil servants and agents of the State • An increase in the share of customs duties and taxes processed through electronically • An increase in the number of internal audit reports of the Roads Maintenance Fund • An increase in the number of published financial audits of State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) and parastatals • An increase in the number of poor households who benefit from unconditional cash transfers funded by the Government • An increase in the number of districts where targeted free health care is implemented by the government (and not by donors), which receive essential medicines • An increase in the share of primary school teachers recruited in 2019 who have become teachers in their localities, following the completion of their two-year training (disaggregated by gender) D. Project Description The proposed operation has two pillars. Pillar 1 seeks to consolidate basic fiscal management. This outcome will be achieved through support to several mutually reinforcing PFM policy reforms, which are intended to improve fiscal management functions to better manage scarce resources. These policy measures will also contribute to consolidating the achievements of the previous operation in the series. Transposing the CEMAC PFM directives1 is expected to improve the quality of internal controls and the devolution of budget management since the CEMAC PFM framework provides a sound basis to manage public resources in a transparent and efficient manner and address PFM vulnerabilities to corruption. The establishment of a monitoring mechanism for the management of COVID-19 related funds will ensure that the funds are spent on responding to the emergency and saving lives. To improve debt transparency, the annual debt reports will be made public. Furthermore, the operation will support improved control of the effective presence of civil servants and the mobile payments of their salaries, which is expected to have a positive impact on deployment at the local level, reduction in absenteeism, and controlling the wage bill. Support for the use of a uniform customs clearance software (ASYCUDA)2 is expected to contribute to increased revenues from petroleum products. Reforms to improve the regulatory framework, oversight, and internal control of SOEs and parastatals, are expected to enhance their financial management and will contribute to the improved functioning of key sectors such as energy, transport, and telecommunications. The private sector will also benefit from this reform as SOEs and parastatals will pay contractors more regularly |