Project Detail |
Project Development Objective(s) Proposed Development Objective(s) The proposed project development objective is to strengthen Mongolia’s capacity to prevent and to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. Key Results 1. No of confirmed COVID -19 cases among health professionals and key front-line staff (number) 2.Central medical stores having adequate stocks of with personal protective equipment and infection control products and supplies, in preceding two weeks (Yes/No) D. Preliminary Description Activities/Components The aim of this project is to strengthen Government of Mongolia’s to prevent and to respond to the COVID19 outbreak. Assistance will be provided to the health care system for preparedness planning to provide optimal medical care, maintain essential lifesaving services, ensuring hospital infection control interventions and minimize risks for patients and health personnel. In doing this it will support the health system with supplies including Personal Protective Equipment like N95 respirators, medical masks, goggles, gloves, gowns; laboratory equipment and supplies for improved diagnostic capabilities etc. To care for the COVID19 cases and other influenza like illnesses it will also support medical counter measures and medical supplies for case management and infection prevention, as well as procurement of drugs such as antivirals, antibiotics and essential medicines for patients with co-morbidity and complications such as CVDs and diabetes. Through these measures the project will enhance preparedness and strengthen essential health care service delivery to be able to provide the best care possible in the event of a surge in demand |