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Palestinian Territory Occupied Project Notice - Improved Access To Markets For Female And Male Fresh Fruits And Vegetable (FFV) Small Scale Producers

Project Notice

PNR 42315
Project Name Improved Access to Markets for Female and Male Fresh Fruits and Vegetable (FFV) Small Scale Producers
Project Detail Agriculture remains one of the main pillars of the Palestinian economy in light of its con­tribution to food security, employment and export revenues. Currently, the agricultural sector is reported to operate at a quarter of its potential: the main constraints to increase agricultural production in the occupied Pales­tinian territory (oPt) derive from the conse­quences of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There are limitations in the access to land, water and markets. Lack of control over borders and restrictions on movements of people and goods between the West Bank and Gaza Strip result in higher transaction costs and in unpredictability of supply and exports. This severely affects the marketability of Palestinian products and it consolidates the Palestinian market dependency on Israel. Under its commitment to a just and lasting peace be­tween Israelis and Palestinians based on a negotiated two-state solution, Switzerland aims at contributing to the establishment of an independent, viable, con­tiguous and democratic Palestinian state. Within its Domain Agro-Economic Development, Switzerland has partnered with Oxfam International to contrib­ute to build a resilient economy with equitable agricultural growth, while protecting small scale produc­ers’ entitlements to natural resources and access to markets. This goal is aligned with the National Agri­culture Sector Strategy “Resilience and Sustainable Development”. The project has identified specific value chains chal­lenges from pre-production to post-harvest and from transformation to distribution and marketing. It aims at addressing these challenges to mitigate the further deterioration in the performance of the agriculture sector: fresh fruits and vegetables (such as wild cucumber), stone fruits, dates, and dairy products are identified as to be of high value. The modality of engagement is pro-poor and market sys­tem development where small-scale producers (in­cluding women-led agribusinesses) are incentivized to shift towards business modalities while working to improve and develop their operating environment. As a result, they will be able to expand their produc­tion and eventually retain access to their land. Un­der a market system approach, all concerned actors need to work in a synergetic manner. In the oPt, it is equally needed to increase consumers’ confidence in local products and private sector’s investment at different stages of the value chain. At the same time, the Palestinian Authority (PA) through the Ministry of Agriculture should accelerate the path of sectoral re­forms by reviewing its policies, regulations and prac­tices with a view of improving access to market and to protecting the Palestinian market during key times of the year. Moreover, the PA also needs to address key constraints with the Israeli Government. This intervention focuses on vulnerable areas, mainly the Gaza Strip and Area C of the West Bank. It em­phasizes women economic empowerment and inte­grates youth in the labor market by offering training modules for fresh graduates on modern farming, service and productivity optimization but also pro­posing investment support for the ones ready to start their own business. Project Highlights: For Switzerland, the project benefits from consoli­dated results of two previously supported projects in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank: A substantial shift from aid dependency towards business culture amongst the beneficiaries was observed: some selected value chains are cur­rently able to function “independently”. The first women shareholder company (consis­ting of 41 women processors) for palm date pro­ducts in Gaza still functions well, and is able to maintain the same level of job opportunities. It is even expected that the company will increase its production capacity in 2018 by 20%, and thus to reach a net profit of 20’000 CHF. The tax exemption law for Small Scale Producers was ratified thanks to advocacy efforts. The dairy production increased by 2% in 2018, mainly as a result of population and local de­mand growth. While 80% of the targeted dairy units maintained the production’s level and mar­ket share reached at the end of 2017, the remai­ning 20% managed to increase their production and market share by 15%. In 2017, 36 new jobs were created in the sector, moreover and mainly due to crowing in intiative by new private sector investors. Positive trends in the date paste production have been confirmed for 2018: an expected increa­se of 15% (based on initial agreements with producers); a projected increase of 6% of the local market share (mainly due to quality impro­vement including packaging, labeling, etc.) In the West Bank, project beneficiaries in 2018 reported an increase of the farm gate price1 of grapes by 30%, tomato paste by 5%. However, thyme farm gate price decreased by 15% due to the huge expansion of thyme production at country and regional levels.
Funded By Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Sector Administration & Marketing
Country Palestinian Territory Occupied , Western Asia
Project Value ILS 4,700,000

Contact Information

Company Name Swiss cooperation office and Consular Agency Gaza & Westbank
Address Swiss Cooperation Office SDC P.O. Box 31840 Jerusalem 91317 Map Phone Headquarters +972 2 5452400 Fax Headquarters +97 22 58 23757
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