Project Detail |
The Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Projects are proposed to address the connectivity challenges faced by the state of Andhra Pradesh through upgrading state highways and district roads of heavy traffic, and reconstructing bridges that are obsolete. The components of the Andhra Pradesh Roads and Bridges Reconstruction Project include: i) widening approximately 1,600 km of state highways from single/intermediate lane to double lane; and ii) constructing 269 bridges in the state highways network. The components of the Andhra Pradesh Mandal Connectivity and Rural Connectivity Improvement Project include: i) widening approximately 1,400 km of district roads from single/intermediate lane to double lane; and ii) constructing 206 bridges in the district roads network. The two Projects will be implemented over a period of five years from 2020 to 2024. - Environmental and Social Aspects The positive impacts of the Projects include: (i) enhanced socioeconomic development; (ii) improved connectivity between mandal headquarters, district headquarters and adjoining mandal headquarters; (iii) improved quality of living for the connected population; (iv) enhanced productivity in the agricultural sector of the state; (v) enhanced economic growth of the state; (vi) increased rural income. The Projects are Category “B” in line with NDB’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). Main environmental and social impacts include loss of habitats due to vegetation clearance, air emissions and noise, impacts on surface water quality and aquatic ecology, waste generation and disposal, land acquisition and associated displacement of people. These risks will be mitigated by implementing country system requirements and NDB’s ESF. - Financials The total cost of the two Projects is estimated to be USD 924 million. NDB will finance USD 646 million or 70% of the total cost. The remaining balance will be financed by counterpart funds from Government of Andhra Pradesh. FINANCIER AMOUNT (USD MILLION) New Development Bank 646 Government of Andhra Pradesh 278 - Implementation The two Projects are to be implemented over five years. The Roads and Buildings Department of Government of Andhra Pradesh will be the Project Implementation Agency. Procurement will be conducted in compliance with the national law and regulations, and meet the core principles of NDB’s policy. |