Project Detail |
Project outline and objectives The Regional Artemisinin Initiative 2 Elimination (RAI2E) project will improve existing malaria prevention and control services and build the technical and programme management skills of provincial health department, operational district and health centre staff in the Kampot, Kep and Takeo provinces in southern Cambodia. Activities Malaria Consortium will: • support provincial health departments and operational districts to train and supervise health centre staff and outreach workers (VMWs and MMWs) on community case management of malaria • assist operational districts and health centres in planning for a mass long lasting insecticidal nets distribution campaign for beds and hammocks • work with provincial health department and operational district staff to develop and deliver tailored social and behaviour change (SBC) interventions — including concerts, phone-in radio broadcasts and mobile theatre shows — to high-risk groups, and train supervisors to deliver one-on-one SBC messaging to VMWs • strengthen surveillance and support the rollout of the national malaria information system by assisting operational district staff to train health centre workers and VMWs on real-time electronic reporting • assist operational districts to integrate reporting accuracy checks into supervision visits and help them monitor incoming data, identify errors and check for incomplete reporting • train provincial health department and operational district staff to use data to plan supervision visits, identify trends in malaria transmission and respond to outbreaks with targeted interventions • provide formal training on compliance with Global Fund financial regulations and reporting for provincial health department and operational district staff • assist health centres and operational districts to use an electronic mobile payment system to pay VMWs (incentives, travel costs, per diems, etc.) • support provincial health departments and co-host a Provincial Malaria Elimination Committee meeting — with a focus on planning, managing and coordinating malaria elimination activities — attended by various provincial departments, civil society organisations, provincial and district authorities, and National Center for Parasitology Entomology and Malaria Control staff. |