Project Detail |
Project Name COVID-19 Emergency Response Project Number 54150-001 Country Indonesia Project Status Active Project Type / Modality of Assistance Grant Source of Funding / Amount Grant 0686-INO: COVID-19 Emergency Response Asia Pacific Disaster Response Fund US$ 3.00 million Strategic Agendas Inclusive economic growth Drivers of Change Governance and capacity development Sector / Subsector Health / Disease control of communicable disease Gender Equity and Mainstreaming No gender elements Description The proposed activities largely emergency medical supplies and other initial support required for dealing with the COVID-19 crisis to be financed by the APDRF align with WHOs Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan for COVID-19 and the Indonesian Preparedness Plan for COVID-19. Specifically, the Indonesian Preparedness Plan for COVID-19 emphasizes the need for clinical management particularly of severe and critical cases; infection prevention and control among health workers and the general population; and specimen management and laboratory confirmation to help reduce the spread of the infection. ADBs emergency response will help alleviate the governments financial, logistic, and other constraints to meet the immediate needs and delivery of appropriate medical services. Urgent support is needed to: (i) improve testing capacity (test kits and polymerase chain reaction machines); (ii) reduce risk of transmission to health workers (personal protective equipment); and (iii) improve treatment capacity of those in severe and critical care (ventilators). Other needs may be identified as the situation evolves in coming weeks. Recognizing the unpredictable nature of the situation, flexibility is required in designing assistance, along with close coordination with various sources and partners. |