Project Detail |
Project Development Objective (PDO)
PDO Statement
17. The project development objective is to improve land tenure security and stabilize property rights of agrarian
reform beneficiaries (ARBs).
18. The PDO will be achieved through accelerated subdivision of collective CLOAs and generation of individual titles on
the lands awarded under CARP.
PDO Level Indicators
19. The PDO will be measured by the following indicators:
• Eligible collective titles (CLOAs) with a validated list of ARBs.
Eligible individual titles issued (Including individual titles in target areas with ownership, co-ownership, and
marital property rights issued to females).
B. Project Components
20. The project will be implemented through three components. These components were designed to accelerate the
ongoing government program for parcelization while seeking to gain efficiencies through technology, workflow
streamlining and increased stakeholder engagement. The project will focus on supporting the processes necessary
for the parcelization of collective CLOAs and registration of individual CLOAs. These processes include community
consultation (including separate sessions for men and women), preparation and approval of master lists of ARBs,
reaching agreement on lot allocation, conducting the cadastral survey, and preparation and signing of deeds of
parcelization. |