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Chad Project Notice - ALBIÄ - Chad Local Development And Adaptation Project

Project Notice

PNR 41136
Project Name ALBIÄ - Chad Local Development and Adaptation Project
Project Detail Proposed Project Development Objective(s) 22. The project aims to support local inclusive development through, enhanced natural resources management, provision of basic water and sanitation services and increasing income generating opportunities. 23. More specifically, it aims to (i) strengthen the resilience of community livelihood around protected areas in the Chadian Sahelo-Saharan savannah, (ii) promote sustainable and integrated agro-sylvo-pastoral production systems, (iii) improve access to drinkable water and sanitation services and (iv) create generating income activities. Conserving biodiversity and reducing the impacts of climate change will guide these objectives. Main project beneficiaries will be vulnerable groups (including women and youth) in selected target areas in the Chadian Sahelo-Saharan savannah. The promotion of sustainable and integrated agrosylvopastoral production systems will be maximized by the focus on groups who are already or are likely to exploit resources in the protected area as a survival strategy due to their vulnerability. Key Results (from PCN) - Surface areas under land restoration practices (planting, watershed protection, Zaï); - Surface area under sustainable climate-smart technologies and practices disseminated by the project; - Beneficiaries reach with sustainable climate-smart agriculture services (disaggregated by gender); - Number of people in selected areas provided with access to improved water sources under the project (disaggregated by gender); - Improve some key categories related to the Local Development Index (LDI; number of index points improvement; exact categories to be defined during project preparation). - Terrestrial protected area under improved management for conservation and sustainable use (ha); - Population of key species (Dama, Oryx, Addax gazelles, Striped Hyena, North African Ostriches – in WRWA wildlife reserve and Elephants) stabilized or increased; - Beneficiaries that feel project investments reflected their needs (percentage), of which percent of female and youth; - Beneficiaries that feel that project investments have positively contributed to the community’s social well-being and resilience to climate change; - Citizens (disaggregated by gender) who are satisfied with the level of participation with which the investments where made (percentage);
Funded By World Bank
Sector Engineering
Country Chad , Central Africa
Project Value XAF 54,450,000

Contact Information

Company Name Ministry of Envrionment, Water and Fisheries
Address Team Leader Aurelie Marie Simone Monique Rossignol, Taibou Adamou Maiga
Web Site

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