Project Detail |
Project Development Objective(s)
Proposed Development Objective(s)
The overall objective is to increase the capacity of Georgia’s agency responsible for innovation and entrepreneurship to
effectively coordinate the Government’s approach to innovation and entrepreneurship policy formulation and
implementation. The project has the following goals: a. increasing the agencys capacity to develop and implement (inhouse) innovation and entrepreneurship policies and programs with medium- and long-term strategies and results; b.
testing (and demonstrating) the viability of technology transfer in Georgia; and c. improving the deal flow of innovative
startups ready for investment, and of funding availability for early-stage companies;
Key Results
Result 1. Increased capacity of GITA to design and implement innovation financing programs
Result 2. Effects of Innovation Support demonstrated through a Technology Transfer Pilot Program
Result 3. Private Capital Crowded-in through Improved Early Stage Co-investment Schemes
D. Preliminary Description
Component 1: Increasing Institutional Capacity of Georgias Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA)
Founded in 2014, GITA is itself in the process of transitioning from “start-up” mode to being a “fullfledged” innovation agency. In order to complete this transition, GITA will need to further its capacity to
be a pillar of Georgia’s innovation ecosystem. This implies building a set of in-house competencies that are
typical of similar organizations, for planning core operations as well as designing, implementing and
monitoring discrete projects and interventions.
The capacity building will be anchored in the development of a three-year strategy and detailed work
program, budget, and staffing plan, along with training in innovation and entrepreneurship policy
development and implementation, spanning support for a) incentivizing technology transfer and promoting
collaboration between public research institutes and industry, and b) early stage financing.
In addition, the training plan for GITA staff and consultants will be updated based on a new assessment
(following up on a previous assessment conducted in 2015 by the World Bank[1]), and specific trainings will
be provided on program and project management, procurement, team building, records management, and
budget management and forecasting, among other topics. The specifics will be determined based on the
assessment and results achieved by GITA up to the date of project commencement, and based on needs
agreed between GITA and partners.
Expected results include the development of GITA’s operational strategy, as well as the successful
deployment of a Technology Transfer service offering, and an investment readiness program. |