Project Notice |
PNR | 41068 |
Project Name | Bangladesh: Hatikumrul-Bonpara-Jhenaida Phase I Road Improvement Project |
Project Detail | OBJECTIVE To provide efficient, safe, and resilient connectivity along a section of a regional transport corridor in Western Bangladesh. DESCRIPTION The Project will upgrade a 57.2 km section of existing two-lane road from Bonpara to Jhenaida to four lanes, add slow-moving vehicle traffic lanes on both sides of the main carriageway, and provide optical fiber cable (OFC) to expand the country’s broadband connectivity and enable “smart highways” along the project alignment. The loan will finance road construction, OFC, consulting services, training and capacity building, equipment purchase, and ITS systems. |
Funded By | Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) |
Sector | |
Country | Bangladesh , Southern Asia |
Project Value | BDT 333,900,000 |
Contact Information |
Company Name | Roads and Highways Department, Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges |
Address | Quazi Shahriar Hossain Roads and Highways Department Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges People’s Republic of Bangladesh |
Web Site | |