Project Detail |
Proposed Development Objective(s) To strengthen integrated coastal zone management in selected States and Union Territories. D. Project Description Building on the need for long-term partnerships to ensure much needed Centre-state co-ordination and integrated planning; ENCORE is developed as a two-phase operation using the Multiphase Programmatic Approach (MPA) in response to GoI request to the Bank to continue the CZM support via phased-based investments to manage, monitor and motivate capacity building demand from coastal states to execute the National Coastal Mission. The first phase of US$180 million will finance State institutional strengthening, technical capacity-building, the development of statelevel Integrated Coastal Zone Management plans (ICZMPs), and concurrent enabling coastal zone investments; the second phase of $120 million will finance the ICZMPs’ implementation, including investments in climate friendly economic development projects, conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems, pollution abatement and risk reduction investments in/around ecologically sensitive areas, all of which contribute to achieving ICZMPs’ objectives. Investments financed under the second phase will be scoped and prioritized on the basis of the ICZMPs supported by the first phase. Program aims at improved protection of people in coastal zones against erosion, flooding, storm surges and/or pollution and improved management of critically vulnerable coastal areas and tourism sites in selected States and Union Territories. ENCORE Phase 1 comprises of 3 components as follows: Component 1: will support capacity for coastal zone management customized to the needs of national and state organizations, stakeholders and community beneficiaries. The component will finance applied research and development, studies and capacity needs assessment, training, exchange programs, good practices pilots demonstrating innovation, flagship programs for strengthening the resilience of coastal and marine natural assets, decisions support systems for the ICZMP/MSP/BE strategy preparation (under Component 2), and inputs toward long-term operating models for the NCSCM and SICOM. Activities will focus on five thematic areas: (a) conservation management in the mainland, (b) climate change adaptation and mitigation, (c) conservation management for islands, (d) pollution abatement; and (e) capacity building. Component 1 activities will be implemented by the NCSCM and SICOM in collaboration with the participating states/UTs and universities and research centers. Component 2: will focus on improved protection and pollution abatement in coastal areas. This component will support the states/UTs to develop cost-effective solutions to address the risks to the coastal natural capital assets through inclusive spatial and marine planning in line with the CRZ 2018 implementation requirements. Investments in no-regret/green and grey infrastructure will aim to minimize the anthropogenic and climate risks of people and economic assets in the participating States/UTs. Project funding will be available for state investments that will implement the states’ ICZMPs (where such plans exist) or will facilitate the preparation of state ICZMPs (where such plans are yet to be developed). Priority will be placed on cross-sectoral investments that will enhance the interagency coordination/harmonization in line with the ENCORE development objective and that can potentially catalyze private sector participation in sustainable coastal development. The investments will have to meet criteria for costeffectiveness and scalability of coastal development models that protect and augment the value of green and blue assets and contribute to sustained local economic growth. Public resources will be used to leverage private funds for nature-based solutions and infrastructure improvements when these meet the performance criteria for area-based ecological improvements, with PPPs being the preferred option where applicable. Component 2 will further finance expenditures for preparation of feasibility studies, ESIA, engineering designs, procurement of works and equipment, supervision costs, community development investments, training and awareness building, and incremental operating costs during project life. For coastal states/UTs that will be preparing their first ICZMPs, Phase 1 will also support the preparation of priority implementation investments (for example, in marine plastics removal, repurposing, and safe disposal) for the implementation of approved ICZMPs/MSPs to be financed by Phase 2. State investments for which financing will be provided under ENCORE Phase 1 will be grouped in the following categories: · Integrated Coastal Zone and Marine Planning, · Conservation and protection of coastal and marine ecosystems; · Coastal pollution management and infrastructure improvement, · Livelihood security of coastal communities; and · Capacity building (for implementation of ICZMPs/ MSPs). Component 3: will focus on Project Management, Evaluation and Monitoring. This component will finance the national and states’ project management costs including staffing and operation of the National Project Management Unit (NPMU), establishment of financial management and procurement systems, implementation of the communication plan and the Right to Information (RTI) related activities, governance and accountability actions, M&E and third-party audits, coordination with states and other stakeholders, and special evaluation studies. Support will be provided for MOEFCC’s medium-term capacity-building plan and training of coastal zone managers from all coastal states and UTs. |