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Laos Project Notice - Lao PDR COVID-19 Response Project

Project Notice

PNR 41022
Project Name Lao PDR COVID-19 Response Project
Project Detail The purpose of the COVID-19 Response Project in Lao PDR is to prevent, detect and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and strengthen national systems for public health preparedness. This project consists of three components. Component one will support preparedness and emergency response activities to address immediate gaps for COVID-19 (Coronavirus) response in Lao PDR, focusing on the following areas: (i) response coordination; (ii) infection prevention and control; (iii) case detection, confirmation, and contact tracing; (iv) case management; and (v) risk communication and community engagement. Component two will strengthen the capacity of the health system to respond to public health emergencies by supporting clinical response, laboratory, isolation and case management capacity of health facilities at central and provincial levels, including supporting medical supplies, furniture, virtual conference facilities and network installation to manage COVID-19 (Coronavirus) cases. The third component will finance activities related to project management and monitoring, including the project management unit, and project monitoring and evaluation
Funded By World Bank
Sector Electronics
Country Laos , South Eastern Asia
Project Value LAK 18,000,000

Contact Information

Company Name Ministry of Health
Address Team Leader Emiko Masaki, Keiko Saito
Web Site

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