Project Detail |
A. Project Development Objective
PDO Statement
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve selected urban infrastructure and public spaces to support a
more livable and resilient Cap-Haitien city-region.
PDO Level Indicators
13. The Project’s progress towards its PDO will be measured by the following PDO indicators:
a) People directly benefiting from resilient urban infrastructure and public space improvements (Number,
disaggregated by gender);
b) New or rehabilitated urban public spaces (sq. mt); and
c) Time saved to go from National Road 1 to National Road 3 (percentage)
14. Section VI contains the complete Results Framework, including PDO-level indicators and intermediate results
indicators by component, along with the corresponding baselines, as well as intermediate and end-of-project targets.
B. Project Components
15. The Project will comprise the following four components:
16. Component 1: Urban Infrastructure Investments (US$48.9 million). This Component will support the Government of
Haiti (GoH) to carry out large urban infrastructure investments; and neighborhood upgrading investments, including the
preparation of required feasibility studies, environmental and social studies, detailed designs, construction works and
construction supervision. Investments will include: the upgrading of open and green areas, such as parks, playgrounds,
squares and waterfronts27; and/or the rehabilitation of roads28 and associated infrastructure, such as drainage29
sidewalks, pedestrian walkways, street lightning30 and bike paths31; and the rehabilitation of facades or public buildings
and the rehabilitation or expansion of basic infrastructure, such as water supply and sanitation networks.
32 All investments
will incorporate climate change and disaster risk considerations, as well as gender, when appropriate |