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Sweden Project Notice - Supporting The Interaction Of Humans And Automated Vehicles: Preparing For The Environment Of Tomorrow

Project Notice

PNR 40384
Project Name Supporting the interaction of Humans and Automated vehicles: Preparing for the EnvIronment of Tomorrow
Project Detail Paving a pedestrian-safe way for self-driving cars Walking is great for our health and the environment, but it can be dangerous. In Europe, nearly a quarter (21 %) of all fatally injured road users are pedestrians. In cities, it is almost a third. While measures to improve vehicle and road user safety as well as transport infrastructure (like intersections and crosswalks) is underway, experts are already planning for when autonomous vehicles (AVs) hit Europe’s tricky-to-navigate city roads. The EU-funded Shape-IT project aims to facilitate the safe integration of AVs into tomorrow’s mixed urban traffic environments, using both existing and new research methods. It will design advanced interfaces and control strategies and integrate knowledge on human/AV interactions into models to perform safety assessments.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Country Sweden , Western Europe
Project Value SEK 4,098,251

Contact Information

Address 41296 Goeteborg
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