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Croatia (Hrvatska) Project Notice - Grcf2 W2 - Split Water Purification Project

Project Notice

PNR 39705
Project Name GrCF2 W2 - Split water purification project
Project Detail Provision of a senior loan to Vodovod i Kanalizacija d.o.o. Split (the client), a municipal company incorporated in Croatia providing water and wastewater services in the city of Split and the surrounding 3 cities and 9 municipalities for: (i) construction of a water purification plant in Split; and (ii) upgrade, construction and reconstruction of a system for improving water supply, collection of wastewater and its treatment in the Split-Solin and Kastela-Trogir agglomerations. The latter investments will be co-financed alongside EU-Cohesion Funds (around 70%) and nationally. Total project costs are estimated at EUR 358 million, of which the EBRD is envisaged to finance up to EUR 30 million. The project is envisaged as part of the Green Cities Framework 2 (GrCF2). The facility is designed to serve as a sector-wide catalyst for addressing environmental challenges at city level. Project Objectives The loan proceeds will support: (i) construction of a state-of-the-art water purification plant at Jadro river, which will ensure full compliance with EU directives on water quality; and (ii) rehabilitation and upgrade of the water and wastewater network in the Split-Solin and Kastela-Trogir agglomerations. Works related to the agglomerations projects will include the construction of around 120 km new water pipes, the reconstruction of 70 km of existing water network, the construction of 310 km of new wastewater pipes, the construction of new pumping stations water storage tanks, the construction of 1 wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and the upgrade of two WWTPs from first to second grade of treatment. Transition Impact ETI score: 70 The project is envisaged as part of the GrCF2. The GrCF2 is a strategic and multiproject programme targeting environmental issues in selected large cities in EBRD countries of operation. The primary goal is to achieve significant environmental improvements and promote the green transition quality within the relevant cities. The GrCF2 also aims to build necessary capacity and facilitate better coordination among various stakeholders within the relevant cities in order improve the governance, operational efficiency and financial sustainability of the targeted investments and initiatives. These objectives are supported by the development and implementation of a city-specific Green Cities Action Plan (GCAP) identifying and prioritising environmental challenges and ways to address them through targeted investments, services and policy instruments.
Funded By European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Sector Engineering
Country Croatia (Hrvatska) , Southern Europe
Project Value HRK 358,300,000

Contact Information

Address Tomislav Suta +385 21 545 900 Hercegovacka 8, 21000 Split, Croatia
Web Site

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