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Haiti Project Notice - Agricultural And Agroforestry Technological Innovation Program

Project Notice

PNR 38991
Project Name Agricultural and Agroforestry Technological Innovation Program
Project Detail Agricultural and Agroforestry Technological Innovation Program The Agricultural and Agroforestry Technological Innovation Programme (PITAG, by its French acronym) will help restore agricultural productivity in areas of Haiti most affected by Hurricane Matthew in October 2016. IFAD’s contribution to the project, which started with support from the Inter-American Development Bank and the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program, will allow PITAG to expand its outreach into eight additional “communes” (municipalities) in the South Department, an area badly damaged by Hurricane Matthew. Haitis rural population suffers from a vicious circle of low agricultural productivity, high environmental degradation and poor nutrition. The project aims to break this cycle and help smallholder farming families improve their productivity, food security and income levels. To address these challenges, PITAG will equip Haitian smallholder farmers with agricultural technologies and practices that are well suited to local conditions. PITAG will enable smallholder farmers to produce more and better while taking care of the environment – something desperately needed in a country that is both one of the world’s poorest and greatly impacted by climate change. In recent decades, the Caribbean island has seen its soils, water reservoirs and woods severely degraded. PITAG takes a people-centred approach, with a strong focus on community involvement. The new technologies and practices will be put in place through farmer field schools – a method of learning that involves peer-to-peer teaching programmes. After their training, small farmers will receive inputs and support to put into practice the innovations they have learned about. STATUS: ONGOING Country Haiti Approval Date 15 April 2018 Duration 2018 - 2023 Sector Rural Development Total Project Cost US$ 77.9 million IFAD Financing US$ 10.86 million Co-financiers (International) Global Agriculture and Food Security Programme US$ 10 million Inter-American Development Bank US$ 55 million Co-financiers (Domestic) National Government US$ 1 million Financing Gap US$ 1.04 million Financing terms DSF Grant Project ID 2000001782 Project Contact Caroline Bidault
Funded By Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)
Sector Administration & Marketing
Country Haiti , Caribbean
Project Value USD 77,900,000

Contact Information

Company Name International Fund For Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Address Project Contact Caroline Bidault
Web Site

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