Project Detail |
Project Name Accelerating Sanitation for All in Asia and the Pacific Project Number 53266-001 Country Regional Project Status Active Project Type / Modality of Assistance Technical Assistance Source of Funding / Amount TA 9897-REG: Accelerating Sanitation for All in Asia and the Pacific Sanitation Financing Partnership Trust Fund under the Water Financing Partnership Facility US$ 3.00 million Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund under the Urban Financing Partnership Facility US$ 2.00 million Strategic Agendas Inclusive economic growth Drivers of Change Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Governance and capacity development Knowledge solutions Partnerships Private sector development Sector / Subsector Agriculture, natural resources and rural development / Rural sanitation - Rural water policy, institutional and capacity development Water and other urban infrastructure and services / Urban policy, institutional and capacity development - Urban sanitation - Urban sewerage Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Effective gender mainstreaming Description The Sanitation Financing Partnership Trust Fund (SFPF) under the Water Financing Partnership Facility (WFPF), established in 2013 between the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) through a Channel Financing Agreement , was designed to promote investments in fecal sludge management (FSM) focusing on non-networked sanitation and septage management, piloting technologies, policies and regulatory framework and project delivery mechanisms. Much traction has been gained in the last 6 years and to date, support has been provided to pilot testing of innovations in investment projects, development of policies, standards and regulations, capacity building, and knowledge sharing initiatives. Prior to the establishment of the SFPF, ADBs investment in non-networked sanitation and septage management was very low at $3.8 million. Since 2014 SFPF has helped leverage a total of $133.7 million investment in non-networked sanitation, far exceeding the target of $75 million by 2020. Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy Asian wide, around 2 billion people still lack access to basic sanitation, posing a huge challenge to SDG 6.2. In November 2018, the ADB, as part of its continued partnership with BMGF, committed to promote Countrywide/Citywide/Countywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) in its operations to support the and support the creation of a global platform among development partners on _Sanitation for All from NOW (SDG6.2)_. Utilizing such a platform, development partners would champion CWIS and Whole Sanitation Business Chain approaches to (i) plan and deliver services for everybody to benefit from good quality and sustainable sanitation services, (ii) safely manage human waste along the whole sanitation service chain, (iii) prioritize the unserved, particularly those in low-income and vulnerable communities, (iv) consider effective resource recovery and re-use, and (v) embrace a diversity of technical solutions for adaptive, mixed, and incremental approaches and combine non-sewered sanitation (NSS) including fecal sludge management (FSM), and sewered solutions. The proposed KSTA will accelerate CWIS by supporting upstream work covering: Regulatory frameworks to support sewered and non-sewered sanitation options Institutional arrangements to delineate responsibilities and ensure ownership and leadership of the government; Regulations and standards that address current and emerging trends, and enforcement of the same, e.g. making fecal sludge desludging mandatory; Strengthening human capital and developing capacity for holistic planning, design, and implementation of sanitation improvements as well as enforcement regulations; Optimal technical designs utilizing technology, resource recovery, IT applications; Promoting private sector participation in operation and maintenance as sub-contractors; and Increasing demand for proper sanitation services through strategic communication campaigns. Impact Access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene achieved for all, and open defecation eliminated by 2030, with special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations (Sustainable Development Goal 6.2) Project Outcome Description of Outcome Adoption of CWIS principles in ADB operations increased Progress Toward Outcome Implementation Progress Description of Project Outputs Support for CWIS projects provided Knowledge on CWIS principles improved CWIS-related capacity and awareness in DMCs improved Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues) Geographical Location Regional Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects Environmental Aspects Involuntary Resettlement Indigenous Peoples Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation During Project Design During Project Implementation Responsible ADB Officer Christian Walder Responsible ADB Department SDSC Responsible ADB Division SDSC-WAT Executing Agencies Asian Development Bank 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550, Philippines |