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Various Countries Project Notice - Greater Mekong Subregion Climate Change And Environmental Sustainability Program

Project Notice

PNR 38822
Project Name Greater Mekong Subregion Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Program
Project Detail Project Name Greater Mekong Subregion Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Program Project Number 53390-001 Country Regional Cambodia Lao Peoples Democratic Republic Myanmar China, Peoples Republic of Thailand Viet Nam Project Status Active Project Type / Modality of Assistance Technical Assistance Source of Funding / Amount TA 9915-REG: Greater Mekong Subregion Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Program Technical Assistance Special Fund US$ 2.00 million Climate Change Fund US$ 3.00 million Strategic Agendas Environmentally sustainable growth Inclusive economic growth Regional integration Drivers of Change Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Governance and capacity development Knowledge solutions Partnerships Private sector development Sector / Subsector Agriculture, natural resources and rural development / Agricultural policy, institutional and capacity development - Forestry - Land-based natural resources management - Rural flood protection - Water-based natural resources management Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Effective gender mainstreaming Description The TA is aligned with the following impact: environment sustainability and climate-compatibility of economic growth and propensity in the GMS improved, as stated in GMS Core Environment Program Strategic Framework and Action Plan. The TA will have the following outcome: climate resilience, green growth, and environmental quality in the GMS enhanced. Output 1: Climate and disaster resilience enhanced, and low carbon transitions facilitated. This output will help GMS countries to accelerate adaptation and disaster risk reduction efforts through (i) creating a GMS-wide platform on climate and disaster resilience in support of implementing national adaptation plans; (ii) strengthening capacities to mainstream climate and disaster resilience in planning and to climate-proof infrastructure investments; (iii) supporting community-based adaptation and disaster risk management initiatives; and (iv) piloting ecosystem-based adaptation approaches. It will also facilitate low carbon transitions through (i) identifying policies and measures for effective implementation of NDC-aligned sectoral climate investment plans for agriculture, energy, and transport sectors; (ii) strengthening capacities for monitoring, reporting and verification of climate actions; and (iii) conducting pilots on low carbon agriculture and green freight. Output 2: Climate-smart landscapes promoted and environmental quality enhanced. In line with objectives of the United Nations Decade of Landscape Restoration and ADB Oceans Initiative, this output will strengthen regulations and build capacities to adopt landscape approaches in managing natural resources, ecosystem services, and improving environmental quality. Sub-output on promoting climate-smart landscapes will deploy nature-based solutions for management of transboundary landscapes through (i) improving land use management systems; (ii) designing innovative compensation mechanisms for ecosystem services; and (iii) enhancing capacity of institutions and communities in integrated landscape management. Sub-output on enhancing environmental quality through pollution control and waste management will (i) build capacities for strategic environmental planning, environmental quality data management and guidelines on air, water, and soil pollution control and remediation; (ii) provide policy support for implementation of circular economy and waste management; and (iii) conduct feasibility studies and prepare concept papers for investments to address air and water pollution, including plastics. Output 3: Green technologies and financing instruments demonstrated. This output will promote piloting of innovative technologies by supporting business ecosystems, and testing financing models, including innovative disaster risk financing instruments. Sub-output on deploying advanced technologies for climate action and environmental sustainability will identify good practices for technology policy leapfrogging and demonstrate application of high-level digital technologies such as Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, robotics, and drones for (i) monitoring of climate actions; (ii) pollution monitoring and management; (iii) sustainable forest management; and (iv) early warning systems to facilitate adaptation. It will enhance capacities of communities, public institutions, and the private sector on use of digital technologies. Sub-output on piloting innovative climate and disaster risk financing instruments will (i) assess enabling conditions to deploy innovative financing instruments and access environmental finance through national entities, and in partnership with international organizations and the private sector; (ii) pilot climate and disaster risk financing instruments (e.g., blended finance, public-private partnerships, community resilience credit lines, risk-layering approach); and (iii) strengthen capacity of financial institutions to support green technologies and infrastructure Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy Economic growth and prosperity of GMS countries are largely anchored in intensive use of sub-regions abundant natural resources, which account for 20 55% of total wealth. However, the GMS countries are experiencing a rapid depletion of natural assets such as land, forest, water, and wetlands, and a decline in ecosystem services and environmental quality. Natural asset losses in the GMS are valued at 10% 12% of gross domestic product a year and such losses are accelerating due to climate change. Inadequate regulatory and policy frameworks, limited capacities for strategic planning, and low technical know-how limit effective management of climate change and environmental risks to communities, assets and supply chains. Weak collaboration is limiting opportunities in knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and market integration all vital components to forge a sub-regional approach to combat climate change and environmental degradation. Innovative partnerships, with a focus on project incubation and scaling up, policy and strategic planning advisory, and knowledge support are critical to meet national priorities and international commitments and foster regional cooperation and integration. The GMS Working Group on Environment (WGE), at its 24th Annual Meeting held in Kunming in April 2019, identified six themes for ADB support. Impact Climate compatibility and environmental sustainability of economic growth in the GMS improved Project Outcome Description of Outcome Climate resilience, green growth, and environmental quality in the GMS enhanced. Progress Toward Outcome Implementation Progress Description of Project Outputs Climate and disaster resilience enhanced, and low carbon transitions facilitated. Climate-smart landscapes promoted and environmental quality enhanced Green technologies and financing instruments demonstrated Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues) Geographical Location Cambodia - Nation-wide; China - Nation-wide; Lao Peoples Democratic Republic - Nation-wide; Myanmar - Nation-wide; Thailand - Nation-wide; Viet Nam - Nation-wide Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects Environmental Aspects Involuntary Resettlement Indigenous Peoples Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation During Project Design During Project Implementation Responsible ADB Officer Ancha Srinivasan Responsible ADB Department Southeast Asia Department Responsible ADB Division Environment, Natural Resources & Agriculture Division, SERD Executing Agencies Asian Development Bank 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550, Philippines
Funded By Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Sector Railways
Country Various Countries , Southern Asia
Project Value AL 5,000,000

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Company Name Asian Development Bank
Address 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550, Philippines
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