Project Detail |
Project Name Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project Project Number 51159-002 Country Cambodia Project Status Active Project Type / Modality of Assistance Grant Loan Source of Funding / Amount Grant 0681-CAM: Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project concessional ordinary capital resources lending / Asian Development Fund US$ 2.16 million Grant 0682-CAM: Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project High Level Technology Fund US$ 1.60 million Loan 3877-CAM: Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project concessional ordinary capital resources lending / Asian Development Fund US$ 117.00 million Strategic Agendas Environmentally sustainable growth Inclusive economic growth Drivers of Change Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Knowledge solutions Partnerships Sector / Subsector Agriculture, natural resources and rural development / Irrigation Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Effective gender mainstreaming Description The project will assist the Government of Cambodia to (i) modernize and improve the climate and disaster resilience of four irrigation systems in Battambang, Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, and Takeo provinces to supply water to 43,500 hectares (ha) for 291,847 people, of whom 148,288 (51%) are women; (ii) ensure sustainability of these irrigation schemes by strengthening the institutional and financial capacity of the government staff and farmer water user communities (FWUCs) in operation and maintenance (O&M); (iii) improve farming practices for increased agricultural productivity and crop diversification; and (iv) establish a national water resources data management center (NWRDMC), a water resources information system (WRIS), and an irrigation asset management system for better water resources management, planning, operations, and investment. Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy Inadequate irrigation infrastructure. Cambodias agriculture sector plays an important role in food security and poverty reduction, provides a major source of livelihood and household income, and contributes to export earnings despite low agricultural productivity. The sector is operating far below its capacity, mainly because of inadequate irrigation infrastructure, which limits cropping intensity and crop diversification. Disasters such as floods and droughts occur annually. There are annual water shortages because of the climate, topography, limited water storage, and accessibility, especially in the Tonle Sap river basin. Inadequate operation and maintenance. As agriculture is the biggest water user in Cambodia, the efficient, effective, and sustainable management of the countrys water resources depends largely on irrigation systems performance. Thus, it is important not only to upgrade irrigation systems, but also to improve O&M cost recovery using the user pays principle, and sustain the increases in agricultural productivity through strengthening capacity of government agencies and FWUCs, and closely involving the FWUCs in the design, implementation, and O&M of systems. Poor water data, low capacity, and limited institutional coordination. Cambodias hydrometeorological monitoring network is limited with poor and incomplete water data records. The project will address the agricultural production constraints and reduce disaster risk by (i) modernizing infrastructure to improve water storage during drought and manage water during flood events, (ii) upgrading agricultural support services in crop diversification, (iii) establishing a financial and organizational system for FWUCs to increase their role in O&M, and (iv) establishing the NWRDMC and WRIS and supporting its operation. Impact Inclusive economic growth through agriculture and irrigation attained Project Outcome Description of Outcome Water and agriculture productivity in the project areas enhanced Progress Toward Outcome Implementation Progress Description of Project Outputs Efficiency and climate resilience of irrigation systems enhanced Water resources management improved Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues) Geographical Location Battambang Province, Kampong Cham Province, Kampong Thom, Takeo Safeguard Categories Environment A Involuntary Resettlement B Indigenous Peoples C Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects Environmental Aspects An initial environmental examination (IEE) was prepared for three subprojects that were categorized as B for environment, and an environmental impact assessment (EIA) and environmental management plan were prepared for the Stung Chinit subproject which was classified as A for environment. Both the IEE and EIA were disclosed on ADB website on 10 April 2019. The project is expected to have overall environmental benefits supporting better management of water resources, sustainable rice production and a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. During construction, there will be localized temporary direct impacts, including air and water pollution, noise, and dust and spoil disposal. The Stung Chinit South subproject neighbors an important bird and biodiversity area, which encompasses the Baray Bengal Florican Conservation Area. Hence, there is a risk of indirect induced impacts to the important bird and biodiversity area through expansion of the irrigated area to the west of the command area, and consequent conversion of natural grassland. Identified impacts can be reduced to an acceptable level through effective implementation of the environmental management plan and the conservation program proposed under the sustainable rice platform. The Prek Po subproject includes a solid waste management program. MOWRAM has considerable experience in implementing ADB and other internationally financed projects, and will be supported by PMIC. Consultation with stakeholders and affected persons was carried out during project preparation and will be continued during implementation. Project related complaints will be addressed in a timely manner through a grievance redress mechanism. Involuntary Resettlement The preliminary designs prepared for Prek Po, Canal 15, and Stung Chinit South subprojects suggest that they will not require land acquisition, nor will they entail any impact on assets or livelihoods. The preliminary design prepared for the Kamping Pouy subproject suggests that it will permanently impact 433.12 square meters of land and 15 households, of which 9 nine households will be physically displaced. The draft resettlement due diligence reports for Prek Po, Canal 15, and Stung Chinit South subprojects, and the draft resettlement plan for Kamping Pouy subproject were prepared in line with the governments laws and regulations and ADBs SPS 2009, and disclosed on ADB website on 12 August 2019. Draft due diligence reports and resettlement plan will be updated based on the detailed engineering designs to reconfirm the subprojects impact. Indigenous Peoples Due diligence concluded there is no indigenous peoples residing in Prek Po and Kamping Pouy subproject areas. There are 256 households and 1,022 households of Cham ethnic group residing within the command areas of the Canal 15 and Stung Chinit South subprojects, respectively. These households are well integrated in the Khmer society, have identity cards and enjoy the same benefits as the mainstream Khmer population. These two subprojects will not directly or indirectly affect dignity, human rights, livelihood systems, or culture of the local Cham ethnic group, nor will it affect the territories or natural or cultural resources that they own, use, or occupy. The due diligence reports have been prepared for Canal 15 and Stung Chinit South subprojects and disclosed on ADB website. Once the detailed engineering designs of the subprojects are available, MOWRAM with support of the PMIC in consultation with the Cham people will reconfirm the scope of impact on the Cham ethnic group. Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation During Project Design Consultations with stakeholders and affected persons were carried out during project preparation. Four hundred thirty-eight persons including 212 women have been consulted through meetings and gender-separate focus groups as part of due diligence and resettlement planning, and expressed the need for improvement of irrigation infrastructure. During Project Implementation Consultations with stakeholders and affected persons will continue throughout project implementation. Business Opportunities Consulting Services Two consulting services packages, one for PMIC and one for the establishment of NWRDMC and WRIS consultant, will be recruited using quality- and cost-based selection with a quality-cost ratio of 90:10. One individual consultant, National Accounting and Finance Specialist, will be recruited using the individual consultant selection method. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), an international non-government organization with an office in Cambodia, will be directly contracted for the conservation of the Bengal Florican in the Stung Chinit South subproject. Procurement All procurement of goods and works will be undertaken in conformity with ADBs Procurement Policy and Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers (2017, amended from time to time). Open Competitive Bidding (OCB) for international advertising will be used for the procurement of works and goods. For OCB for national advertising, before the start of any procurement, ADB and the government will review the Government of Cambodias Standard Operating Procedures and Procurement Manual for development partner financed projects to ensure consistency with ADB Procurement Policy and Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers (2017, as amended from time to time). Responsible ADB Officer Alvin Lopez Responsible ADB Department Southeast Asia Department Responsible ADB Division Environment, Natural Resources & Agriculture Division, SERD Executing Agencies Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology 364 Monivong Blvd, Khan Chamkamorn Phnom Penh, Cambodia |