Project Detail |
Project Name Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridors 2, 3, and 5 (Obigarm-Nurobod) Road Project Project Number 52042-001 Country Tajikistan Project Status Approved Project Type / Modality of Assistance Grant Loan Source of Funding / Amount Grant 0683-TAJ: Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridors 3 and 5 (Obigarm-Nurobod) Road Project concessional ordinary capital resources lending / Asian Development Fund US$ 110.00 million Loan: Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridors 2, 3, and 5 (Obigarm-Nurobod) Road Project European Bank for Reconstruction and Development US$ 150.00 million Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank US$ 40.00 million OPEC Fund for International Development US$ 40.00 million Strategic Agendas Environmentally sustainable growth Inclusive economic growth Regional integration Drivers of Change Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Knowledge solutions Partnerships Sector / Subsector Transport / Road transport (non-urban) Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Effective gender mainstreaming Description The Obigarm-Nurobod road section of the existing M41 highway, which carries about 3,000 vehicles per day, will be inundated once the HPP reservoir has filled to operating levels. The realignment of this road section through the river valley is not part of the Rogun HPP project. A bypass road must be completed and opened to traffic by latest November 2023, the date by which the rising water in the HPP reservoir will have inundated several critical sections of the M41 highway. No other part of Tajikistans national highway network can provide for this traffic, and the only alternative route would represent a deviation of about 500 km. The government has requested ADBs assistance to construct a 72 km long road section that will bypass the HPP reservoir through mountainous terrain (the project road). It will be constructed to two-lane asphalt surfaced standard, and will include three tunnels with a total length of about 6 km, one high level bridge about 700 m long, and 13 shorter bridges with a total length of about 975 m. The construction of some parts of the project road started in 1988 (mostly earthworks) but was suspended following the abandonment of the Rogun HPP project. Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy Timely construction of the project road is a government priority, as reflected by its inclusion in the National Development Strategy, and its consistency with the ADB country partnership strategy. The request to finance this project was renewed by the President of Tajikistan during the visit of ADB President to Tajikistan in November 2017. Tajikistan depends heavily on its road transport corridors to support investment, job creation, trade, and ultimately economic growth and poverty reduction. Despite its strategic location, the country has a gross domestic product per capita of just $819, and 32% of the population still lives below the poverty line. Almost 70% of the population lives in rural areas, in a largely mountainous territory where only 10% of the land is suitable for cultivation. The road transport sector suffers from low quality, long travel times, and poor reliability. Four Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) corridors (2, 3, 5, and 6) cross parts of Tajikistan, offering the opportunity for Tajikistan to enhance its connectivity and trade competitiveness. Impact (i) Economic growth promoted (ii) Competitive corridors across the CAREC region established Project Outcome Description of Outcome Connectivity and safety along the Obigarm -Nurobod road improved Progress Toward Outcome Implementation Progress Description of Project Outputs Project roads constructed, and road safety awareness increased MOTs institutional capacity on asset management strengthened Womens access to economic opportunities enhanced Status of Implementation Progress (Outputs, Activities, and Issues) Geographical Location Nurobod, Obigarm Safeguard Categories Environment A Involuntary Resettlement B Indigenous Peoples C Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects Environmental Aspects For environment impacts, the significant earthworks and tunnel works might indicate an A category, but this is to be determined during TRTA implementation. Involuntary Resettlement The proposed road alignment will follow an alignment that was defined originally in the 1980s, and which is largely clear of houses and other assets. Therefore, it is anticipated that the project will be classified as category B for involuntary resettlement impacts. Indigenous Peoples There are no indigenous peoples in the project area, as defined in ADBs Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), and thus the project will be classified as category C for indigenous peoples impacts. Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation During Project Design Extensive consultations will be undertaken with various groups, with focus on the poor, vulnerable and marginalized groups such as women, youth, the elderly and people with disabilities. The project will create mechanisms, through which grievances and concerns will be channeled, and information dissemination and disclosure will be ensured, to empower these groups and all affected people to act as watchdogs for the proper implementation of the project. During Project Implementation Consultations will be undertaken throughout project implementation period to ensure that stakeholders views are taken into consideration. Business Opportunities Consulting Services Consulting services will be required for construction supervision (CS-01) and project management (CS-02). Consultants will be recruited through firms in accordance with ADBs Guidelines on the Use of Consultants (2013, as amended from time to time). Advance contracting and retroactive financing will be sought to ensure the readiness of the project. The recruitment of two consulting services are ongoing. CS-01 and CS-02 were advertised on 13 September 2019 with EOI submission deadline of 22 October 2019. Procurement Procurement of all contracts through open competitive bidding will be done in accordance with ADB Procurement Policy and Regulations (2017, as amended from time to time). Advance contracting will be considered and used to expedite the Project implementation. ADB approval of advance contracting will not commit ADB to subsequently approve the project or to finance the procurement costs. Procurement for the civil works package (construction of the Obigarm-Tagikamar highway) is ongoing. The invitation for bids was posted on 19 August 2019 with bids submission deadline of 11 November 2019. Responsible ADB Officer Rika Idei Responsible ADB Department Central and West Asia Department Responsible ADB Division Transport and Communications Division, CWRD Executing Agencies Ministry of Transport Mr. Arabzoda, Nurali Sayvali, Executive Director for Project Implementation Unit for Roads Rehabilitation, 14, Aini Street Dushanbe 734042 Tajikistan |