Project Detail |
Support for the Preparation of Electrical Transmission Line Projects in Bolivia Project Status: Implementation The objective of the TC is to support the Ministry of Energy and ENDE in the development of technical, economic, social and environmental studies for the preparation of electric transmission (high/medium/low voltage) infrastructure projects and to assist techcnically the Bolivian Government to introduce energy innovative technologies to allow to reduce fossil fuels dependency and Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. PROJECT DETAIL PROJECT NUMBERBO-T1336 APPROVAL DATEDecember 13, 2019 PROJECT COUNTRYBolivia PROJECT SECTORENERGY PROJECT SUBSECTORENERGY-LOW-CARBON ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES PROJECT TYPETechnical Cooperation ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT CATEGORYC PROJECT STATUSImplementation PROJECT INFORMATION TOTAL COSTUSD 300,002 COUNTRY COUNTERPART FINANCINGUSD 0 FUNDOrdinary Capital |