Project Detail |
Born out of the Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon), which is ranked among Europe’s top 11 engineering schools, C2C-NewCap has developed a unique aqueous based supercapacitor and have tested, not only in TRL7 environment with a potential customer, but also in collaboration with leading energy players and Tier 1 capacitor manufacturer. Our company’s goal is to have a high impact in the energy storage market and contribute to an efficient use of energy with lower environmental costs. Our entry application will be: Engine starting. Energy storage devices are the key enabler for a sustainable energy future in Europe. Lead-acid batteries is the most common used solution to cranking the internal combustion engine, but requires replacement every two years due to its low cycle life and low power, specially at cold temperatures. Lead-acid batteries have a relatively low acquisition price, but they reveal high ownership cost which includes road assistance upon a “no-start, downtime, excessive idling and maintenance. C2C-NewCap will bring to the market a new energy storage device - Go-Start a supercapacitor module based on a proprietary Nickel Carbon technology that uses a highly conductive water based electrolyte. Our 24V prototype has been successfully demonstrated with potential customers in full operation mode on a 12L 470 horse power diesel truck engine. Moreover in extreme low temperature our technology has demonstrated a much higher performance stability when compared with Lead-acid batteries. Our product will provide safe and reliable engine starts allowing to save 30K euros on operational costs due to battery failure during a vehicle life cycle. |