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Project Notice

PNR 37
Project Detail The Project is part of Route 6b of the South-East Europe Transport Observatory (SEETO) road network and runs from Pejë to Pristina. It connects via Pristina to Corridor VIII in FYR Macedonia in the south and to Corridor X in Serbia via Route 7 in the north. The Project will facilitate connection to the city of Pejë which is the administrative and economic centre of Kosovo''s western region. Transition Impact: The Project will include sector reform and institutional strengthening measures in the following areas: 1. The preparation of a road sector finance study to determine adequate and achievable funding levels for the road sector and the revenue sources from which these will be obtained; 2. Development and implementation of an agreed reform and restructuring plan that will include the transformation of the Roads Directorate into a road agency with defined responsibilities; 3. Building up of national road safety expertise to ensure that road safety audits are included as a standard component of all road projects and enhancement of necessary skills to appropriately address any issues identified as part of the audits. The Client is the Government of Kosovo represented by the Ministry of Finance. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is considering a sovereign loan to Kosovo to finance the rehabilitation and upgrading of the 32 km road section to dual two lane carriageway between Kijeve and Zahaq near the city of Peje (the Project). The loan will be for the benefit of the Ministry of Infrastructure (MI) which has overall responsibility for the organisation and management of the transport sector in Kosovo. Within the MI, the Road Infrastructure Department (RID) is responsible for the development of a road strategy, management of budgets and the issuing of contracts for road maintenance and development. EBRD will be financing EUR 40 million for the project. The total Project cost is estimated at approximately EUR 113.4 million.
Funded By European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD),
Sector Transportation
Country Serbia , Southern Europe
Project Value RSD 113,400,000

Contact Information

Address Road Infrastructure Department , Germia Building, Mother Theresa Street, Pristina Tel: +381-38211494
Web Site

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