Project Detail |
We are concerned with localization properties of solutions to hyperbolic PDEs, especially problems with a geometric component: how do boundaries and heterogeneous media influence spreading and concentration of solutions. While our first focus is on wave and Schrödinger equations on manifolds with boundary, strong connections exist with phase space localization for (clusters of) eigenfunctions, which are of independent interest. Motivations come from nonlinear dispersive models (in physically relevant settings), properties of eigenfunctions in quantum chaos (related to both physics of optic fiber design as well as number theoretic questions), or harmonic analysis on manifolds. Waves propagation in real life physics occur in media which are neither homogeneous or spatially infinity. The birth of radar/sonar technologies (and the raise of computed tomography) greatly motivated numerous developments in microlocal analysis and the linear theory. Only recently toy nonlinear models have been studied on a curved background, sometimes compact or rough. Understanding how to extend such tools, dealing with wave dispersion or focusing, will allow us to significantly progress in our mathematical understanding of physically relevant models. There, boundaries appear naturally and most earlier developments related to propagation of singularities in this context have limited scope with respect to crucial dispersive effects. Despite great progress over the last decade, driven by the study of quasilinear equations, our knowledge is still very limited. Going beyond this recent activity requires new tools whose development is at the heart of this proposal, including good approximate solutions (parametrices) going over arbitrarily large numbers of caustics, sharp pointwise bounds on Green functions, development of efficient wave packets methods, quantitative refinements of propagation of singularities (with direct applications in control theory), only to name a few important ones. |