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Ghana Project Notice - Developing Sri Lanka’S SME Sector

Project Notice

PNR 369
Project Name Developing Sri Lanka’s SME sector
Project Detail Sri Lanka’s economic development continues to be strongly characterised by regional disparity. The Sri Lankan Government intends to promote small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to profit from Germany’s experience in this area. It hopes that this will stimulate employment, especially for the country’s historically disadvantaged regions, thus making a long-term, sustainable contribution to maintaining peace and stability. Objective More favourable conditions for inclusive SME development have been established. Approach The project consists of three components: Promoting the microfinance sector. This component was successfully concluded in November 2012. SME financing. Partnerships with three banks have been established. Following capacity development measures, bank employees are better able to serve SMEs in the disadvantaged regions by means of additional branch offices and new products. SME owners also receive direct support. They are given information regarding financing options and standards and advised on such topics as wording loan applications and interacting with banks. Technology transfer and innovation. The entire system that enables SMEs to invest in new technologies is being strengthened. Research facilities, universities and other service providers are providing SMEs with more targeted support. They are receiving expert advice and being familiarised with examples of successful practice in Asia and Europe. Results achieved so far Promoting the microfinance sector By the time this component was concluded, 2.9 million clients had been reached through the partner organisations. Direct and particularly intensive training and counselling measures were used to support 18,000 marginalised people such as war refugees, displaced persons, widows and unemployed young people. SME financing / technology transfer and innovation A draft for a national SME political framework has been drawn up and includes key ideas for a national strategy for the social integration of Sri Lanka. A suggestion for the establishment, operation and structure of a ‘Technology Transfer Fund’ has been drawn up. The concept focuses on smaller enterprises and technical support for enterprises from less developed regions. Intensive working relationships exist with Sri Lankan actors operating in the areas of technology transfer and innovation. International contacts are being established, and a discussion of the future structure of the innovation landscape, particularly in regard to access for regional actors, has been initiated. SMEs, particularly in disadvantaged regions, have better knowledge of bookkeeping and access to financial services. Providers of financial services are more willing to offer SME financing. Innovative SMEs in the country’s northern and eastern areas are provided with direct support in the form of pilot projects. Enterprises from the north, east, and other regions are learning together and sharing their experiences.
Funded By Other Funding Agencies
Sector Other Industries
Country Ghana , Western Africa
Project Value Plz Refer Document

Contact Information

Company Name German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Address Postfach 12 03 22, 53045 Bonn, Germany, Tel: +49 / 228 / 9 95 35-0, Fax: +49 / 228 / 9 95 35-35 00.
Web Site

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