Project Detail |
The 33.939 km long repository beyond the reconstructed Murakeresztur bay in the Murai flood protection section is nowhere to be found to be in compliance with regulations, some sections of the embankment require subsoil reinforcement, the clay-filled embankment has high water content, soaked in time. A further problem is that the embankment has been replaced by a 3 m filling crown instead of 4 m in its full length. In addition, almost the entire section does not have the standard flood level MÁSZ + 1.0 m safety height, the average height difference varies between 0.4 - 0.6 m. A flood of MÁSZ magnitude can cause great damage to the floodplain dam, which is still in poor condition, and there is a danger of a flooding. To raise, strengthen, waterproofing, rebuilding works of art would take place as part of the development. With the right tender design, the construction of a flood defense in Muraszemenye could also be accommodated in the new project, with the implementation of an appropriately sized embankment and its accessories. Project content presentation: Strengthening decision support functions, refining forecasts, operational consideration of seasonal effects / parameters affecting runoff, integrating ultrashort-term raincasting forecasts (nowcasting), more flexible operation of flood reservoirs in the model, linking to ÁKK and NMKT results based on forecasts, Investigation of Application of 2D Prediction Model Time Estimated |