Project Detail |
Client: A large oil major in the Permian Year: 2019 Scope: Engineering support for Delaware Basin Our client came to us to test our engineering capability on a small number of commissioning-based changes required to its existing Saltwater Disposal (SWD) unit design. During these modifications we identified inconsistencies in the base design package and opportunities to optimise the design to reduce materials and construction costs. We kicked off the project in June 2019, focusing on optimising the design, working extensively with a 3D model initially, to obtain stakeholder input and buy-in to the changes. This included embedding best practice from previous sites and incorporating any changes suggested by client construction and technical teams. We then fully re-worked the mechanical and electrical & instrumentation engineering packages. Through this activity we: Significantly improved the quality and accuracy of the 3D design model Simplified the layout and applied standard, fit-for-purpose isolation philosophies Ensured consistency across the deliverables from P&IDs and 3D design model through to construction drawings (isometrics, foundation drawings, plot plans, termination drawings, etc) and bill of materials / material take-offs Provided 35 additional deliverables to support procurement, efficient construction and maintenance on site Solution developed with ‘standardised design’ in mind Outcome: We consolidated this engineering scope, delivering a comprehensive scope of work document, with associated reference package, enabling the client to undertake a meaningful competitive tender process for a program of standardised SWD builds. Key results of this engineering work were a 9% reduction in pipework and a 19% reduction is valves, along with the removal of several other high-cost items. Using repeatable materials, pre-fab enabled solutions and reducing the engineering and ‘as-builts’ for future sites, this one-off engineering cost will be covered by savings on the total installed cost from the first site alone. |