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Netherlands The Project Notice - Metadata Distillery And Exploitation System

Project Notice

PNR 36406
Project Name Metadata Distillery and ExpLoitation System
Project Detail Europes media sector is strong in creating content but lacks behind in embracing new technologies and new business models. Competition from global players that are strong at technological innovation is increasing fast. This puts many jobs, original European content and cultural heritage at risk. The future of broadcasters is in metadata management. This data is used to fuel media applications. These will be the backbone of future television and will be used to schedule programming, interactive programming, video discovery and targeted advertising. But still today, broadcasters rely on manual labelling by editors to tag the key content of their media. The holy grail here is to do this automatically, more extensively and in real-time. We are Media Distillery and we developed a platform that analyses every millisecond of audio and video content in real-time. We produce the most extensive deep media metadata seen in the industry. By using cutting edge deep learning, artificial intelligence and state of the art data mining techniques, our platform filters all relevant information. The current Media Distillery Platform is already well proven in providing Media Metadata services, and we already serve ten international clients. The aim of this project is to enhance and commercialize our Metadata Distillery and ExpLoitation System (MoDELS). This enables the widespread uptake of our Deep content understanding technology and associated applications. In this project we will demonstrate its effectiveness in four media applications at European TV operators. Demonstrating that with our advanced metadata, content catalogues are better managed, content descriptions are more accurate, searching is far more exhaustively and recommendations more useful. Hereby realising business opportunities for TV operators that were unimaginable before. They understand customers better, improve their business processes, increase revenue, reduce costs and improve decision making.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Sector Telecommunication
Country Netherlands The , Western Europe
Project Value EUR 1,969,938

Contact Information

Address John M. Keynesplein 12 1066 Ep Amsterdam
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