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China Project Notice - China: Guangdong Social Security Integration And Rural Worker Training

Project Notice

PNR 3611
Project Name China: Guangdong Social Security Integration and Rural Worker Training
Project Detail The objectives of the Guangdong Social Security Integration and Rural Worker Training Project for China are to enhance portability of social security data and beneficiary entitlements, and to strengthen the skills base and employment prospects of rural hukou workers in Guangdong. The project has two components. (1) Social security MIS component will invest into develop a new provincial Management of Information System (MIS) for Department for Human Resources and Social Security (DHRSS) which would serve to integrate data management across its major business lines (social insurance, employment services and HR management) and across the 21 prefectures in Guangdong province. The provincial MIS would provide for common data standards, information exchange through an integrated data sharing platform, coordination of social insurance benefits between prefectures for mobile beneficiaries who straddle more than one prefecture, and the decision support system to inform provincial DHRSS management. (2) Rural worker training component will invest in technical training institutions with a particular focus on short-term training needs of current and potential migrants for both entry level and upgrading of skills, supported by a strengthened set of services to support post-training placement. In addition, there will be a strong focus on deepening school-industry partnerships to enhance the labor market relevance of training. These emphases will enhance the relevance and skill-intensity of training to help fill skills gaps in Guangdong. 
Funded By worldbank
Sector Workforce Development/Skills , (Historic)Social assistance , Public Administration - Social Protection ,
Country China , Eastern Asia
Project Value CNY 150

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