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France Project Notice - FRENCH SEEDS R&D

Project Notice

PNR 34186
Project Detail Description The proposed operation is to fund the promoters Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) activities related to the creation, development, registration and commercialisation of new field crop and vegetable seed varieties for their use in agriculture. Objectives The RDI investment underpins the promoters strategy to increase competitiveness in its various businesses, through the production of high performance seeds (field crops and vegetables) that will notably increase yields, resist to pathogens, pest or climate adverse conditions (drought, etc.) as well as improving research technics.
Funded By European Investment Bank (EIB)
Sector Forestry
Country France , Western Europe
Project Value EUR 428,000,000

Contact Information

Company Name VILMORIN & CIE SA
Address CS 20001 Saint-Beauzire 63360 Gerzat – France Tel. : + 33 4 73 63 44 85 Fax : + 33 4 73 63 41 80
Web Site

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