Project Notice
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Project Name |
Project Detail |
The project will finance the acquisition of a new fleet of solid waste collection vehicles, solid waste containers and related equipment. In addition, the project will support the Municipalities to prepare Waste Management Plans and implement Stakeholder Participation Programmes. Transition Impact of the project would be: Establishment of transparent contractual arrangements for municipal service provision;· Commercialisation and improved financial sustainability of solid waste collection services through Public Service Contacts and outsourcing arrangements; · Enabling EU-compliant solid waste disposal; and Implementation of a Stakeholder Participation Programme for enhanced public awareness. The total project cost is €18.6 million including grant co-financing provided by an international donor(s), a local contribution (for investment and technical assistance) plus additional technical assistance to support project preparation and implementation. The EBRD is considering extending a sovereign loan of up to €10 million to the state of Georgia for the benefit of Georgian Municipalities, responsible for solid waste collection services. It is envisaged that the project will be co-financed by a capital grant of up to €5 million provided by an international donor(s). |
Funded By |
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), |
Sector |
Environment, Water & Sanitation |
Country |
Georgia , Western Asia |
Project Value |
GEL 18,600,000