Project Detail |
The Asian Development Bank (ADB), as the anchor development partner of the Government of Pakistan in the energy sector, leads development coordination and has provided assistance in energy generation, transmission, distribution, energy efficiency, renewable energy development, hydrocarbons (regional gas interconnection), and analytical and advisory assistance.
Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy The transaction TA facility (F-TRTA) will provide preparation support to a series of ensuing policy-based loans and investment lending projects, comprising (i) Energy Sector Resilience Program (subprograms 1, 2, and 3 amounting to $1 billion); (ii) Hydropower Development Project ($350 million); (iii) Power Transmission Strengthening multitranche financing facility ($800 million); (iv) Second Power Distribution Enhancement Investment Program tranche 2 ($300 million) and (v) Gas Sector Development Project ($150 million). In addition, funds will be provisioned for capacity support on energy policy advice, scope and sequencing of sector reforms and multiple analytical assessments to complement the proposed projects. All ensuing energy projects require preparation, due diligence, design, and readiness activities, which will be undertaken under this TA facility, thereby reducing transaction costs. This F-TRTA is listed in the 2019 pipeline in the approved country operations and business plan (COBP), 2019 -2021 for Pakistan. |